Page 174 - MBS 2022/23
P. 174
for delivering a 1-to-1 session. It is safe to say that the team are itching to move to the Catterick Integrated Care Centre (CICC). If built to spec, the CICC will provide service personnel in Catterick with a world class rehab facility and the PCRF ERI staff will have the tools to make a significant difference to force generation in the region.
Sgt (SI) Luke Macdonald, since being assigned to PCRF Dishforth has been involved in several projects and service improvement plans to develop the quality he and the team deliver. One of these projects was the uplift of the rehabilitation gym. Both Luke and the lead physiotherapist “Duncan” have been delivering Acute vs Chronic educational lectures to 21 Engr Regt on their return from Op TOSCA. These lectures educated the unit on training spikes and how they could reduce injuries when returning to the unit following long leave periods. In the pipeline is the creation of a defence connect page for the region to utilise, the page will be an interactive learning resource and have educational lectures for patients to access at their convenience.
Sgt (SI) Ali Townsend and Sgt (SI) Beau Rigby at AFC(H) PCRF emulate that of Eliud Kipchoge, a real eye opener for them both. Luckily working together alongside four (soon to be three) “on side” Physiotherapists, Doctor, and SMO – the
Dishforth Rehabilitation Gym Equipment Uplift
Organisational changes within the defence healthcare pathways have meant that RRU Colchester has
recently merged with RRU Honington to provide rehabilitation across the East Region. To streamline care, RRU Honington has downscaled to a MIAC and podiatry clinic. This has meant an increased workload for the Colchester contingent who assist in the management and assurance of this satellite station and this will ultimately increase our course capacity from 30 to 45 patients.
Now courses have resumed to normality post-COVID, the team wanted to refocus on patient care, inclusivity and improving the outdated equipment and facilities. This was a key objective of the RRU and was made achievable by utilising various funds and grants that are available upon application. The station NAAFI Welfare grant was awarded to the RRU to create an innovative patient restroom and classroom. This enables provision of a bespoke area to chill out between sessions that can also be used as an engaging and comfortable classroom.
Sgt (SI) T Hussell RAPTC
WO2 (QMSI) Kate Wallace channelling her inner ‘Supergirl’ to great effect
There has been an uplift of flooring and strength and conditioning equipment that has modernised the gym and will now enable the hall to accommodate 3 classes at one time.
Sgt (SI) Hussell RAPTC
Sergeant (SI) Boachie-Ansah (BA) was informed that he was deploying to Op CABRIT on short notice in the new year as the main ERI for six months. He enthusiastically took on this role
PRCF is at the forefront of the Medical Centre working tirelessly to ensure the best up-to-date practices and treatment are delivered. Rehab PT at the College has employed a completely new concept that has surpassed any expectation and is radically changing mindsets on “injuries”, a practice commonly known as Stretching. No easy feat, balancing the right amount of stretching and strengthening for adolescent Soldiers with a range of roughly 6 years of skeletal maturation.
All change in 2023, my replacement WO2 (QMSI) Calberth arrives in June 2023, in the interim SSgt (SSI) Steve Haase has stepped up to conduct the QMSI and RTSA roles. The RRU and the regional PCRFs are fantastic and will continue to provide incredible services to all the serving personnel requiring Rehabilitation and support.