Page 175 - MBS 2022/23
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delivering clinics and expertise to the battle group of the Royal Tank Regiment (RTR). Op CABRIT provides a varied case load of patients and in recognition of Sgt BA’s commitment to rehabilitation he was awarded the Joint Operations Commander’s Coin as the eFP Battle group ERI.
I have managed between courses to get away on some adventurous training and passed Ski Foundation 1. With a keen interest in mental health, I also completed the mental health fitness instructor course (MFIC) which has been useful to provide insights and further resources to both patients and staff.
The team at RRU Colchester has seen numerous personnel changes within the last 12 months, with a new Officer Commanding, Maj Helen Stammers RAMC and RTSA, WO2 (QMSI) Kate Wallace RAPTC arriving to help shape the RRU into a more tri-service and flexible unit, ensuring the best care is provided to all units within the East region. Due to such a demanding year for all the staff, it has been important to ensure team days
Sgt (SI) Boachie-Ansah receiving his Joint Operations Commander’s Coin whilst deployed on Op CABRIT.
As I sit and write this year’s article for the annual MBS, I am currently carrying out my HOTO with WO2 (QMSI) Andy Brown RAPTC. WO2 Brown is due to take over as the Regional Trade Specialist Advisor (RTSA) at Cosford at the start of May 23. My HOTO is a reminder that time moves quickly, as two years at Cosford has passed in a flash. As I start to look forward to my final two years in the military, it’s a time for reflection and positive optimism for the future.
RRU Cosford is a busy RRU and has recentlychangedtheresidentialcourse format which has been delivered in two separate formats. Week one was an interactive instructor lead online learning package. This system of learning was self-directed by the patients and included educational presentations delivered by the clinical team. During the week-long course, the patients would participate in group discussions and complete daily tasks set by the clinical team. Following the online learning package, patients are then admitted on to a two-week face-to-face residential course. During the two-week course, all learning outcomes delivered during the virtual package are confirmed through educational lessons. This hybrid course has been extremely effective and has been well received by both patients
and staff. To ensure that patient output remains consistent, Cosford is returning to a three week in-house residential course. The course has been structured to cater for the three main categories of injury; Lower limbs, upper quadrant and spinal injuries. This format will ensure treatment is injury-specific, allowing gold standard treatment to be delivered.
Over the past two years, RRU Cosford has seen a fair bit of staff churn. My main observation during my tenure is how important our civilian colleagues are in established MOD units. Without the consistency, dedication and professionalism that our civilian colleagues bring to the workplace, establishments like RRU Cosford would simply fail. Following the departure of Maj Andy Wareham RAMC, he was replaced by May Preena Patel RAMC. Maj Patel brought a new lease of energy into the RRU but was informed early in her tour that she would be moving into a staff job within six months. Maj Patel was packing up her desk bang on the six-month point and was informed she was posted to the Land Warfare Centre as SO2 Medical Doctrine. The RAPTCIs at Cosford have done an outstanding job over the last two years, Sgt (SI) Beckingham RAPTC, has been the main driving force in the development of the RRU courses programme and has
Sgt (SI) Miley RAPTC with the RAPTC Basketball Sportsmanship presentation
continually supported the divisional SO3. Sgt (SI) Miley RAPTC has been a positive influence on both the patients and staff at RRU Cosford. Sgt Miley is a competitive athlete and is always in high demand from several different sports. Sgt Miley has been selected to represent the RAPTC Football, Rugby and Basketball teams. Awarded by the team coach, Sgt Miley was recently presented with the Sportsmanship Award for RAPTC Basketball. This is a fantastic achievement for a talented athlete.
and afternoons have been organised throughout the year to maintain morale within the departments. The days have ranged from potted sports, escape rooms and fancy-dress shoots!
Overall, the year has been challenging, but with great teamwork and a will to succeed, the RRU has continued to deliver patient focused care and integrated operationally driven rehabilitation.