Page 176 - MBS 2022/23
P. 176
At the time this year’s article goes to print, RRU Edinburgh will have seen several staff move on. I want to thank all those that have left the RRU and wish them all the best in the next stage of their career, in no particular order those leaving are: Mr Steve Wrigley the Clinical Specialist who will be retiring after 19 years working here at the RRU, WO2 JR McCulloch after completing 24 years in the Army and SSgt Paterson after 22 years in the Army. Good luck to you all. A warm welcome to our newest ERI who we expect to arrive in January. The department did come together to wish farewell to Steve and let him leave on a high by allowing him to win in what normally would have been a very competitive round of golf.
We are now a year along the line of the ‘trickle feed’ course structure and safe to say it has divided opinion. The trickle feed shortens the waiting time for any patients to be offered a place on course, which can only be a positive thing. It does have its down sides though. Courses are delivered in a staggered nature which can mean two separate sessions or lessons being conducted at the same time which stretches resources. In particular ERIs, making it a little more difficult for individuals to plan courses/leave/sports. However, as we always do in the Army, we make the unit’s plan work and make every effort to meet key performance indicators.
Around the region the ERIs continue to deliver quality care to the patients. There are several ERIs stepping up to the plate this year delivering various in-Service training to their departments as well as heading out to units within their area to deliver group therapy sessions on a regular basis. SSgt Colin Paterson took the lead on planning an ‘Integration of
WO2 (QMSI) J McCulloch RAPTC
SSgt (SSI) Paterson and Sgt (SI) McNamara with the RRU OC, 2IC and lead physio
Nick Grantham delivering the theory phase of ‘Integration of S&C into Rehabilitation’ workshop
S&C into Rehabilitation’ workshop held over two days at the RRU. It was a huge success that saw 30 individuals from the Physio and ERI cadre attend the workshop delivered by Nick Grantham.
I would like to take this one last opportunity (I’ll be a Mr this time next year) to wish you all a fond farewell and thank you.
Claire, Alethea, Gordy, Josh, Colin and Steve having a farewell “round”
Nick Grantham delivering the practical phase of ‘Integration of S&C into Rehabilitation’ workshop