Page 51 - 103RA 2018-20
P. 51

                                 Conversely, if you’re prepared to throw yourself into it, the results begin to show quickly.
The instructional groups were mixed Regiment (including Regular & Reserve) which allowed for an interesting fusion of discussion and banter. By day 4, the novices were properly on their feet and exploring the lower areas of the mountain, the intermediates were tearing up the slopes at the top of the
resort and the advanced
riders were covering
dozens of miles a day,
far and wide. The end
of the first week saw a
well-earned rest day. That
evening we went out for
a meal to a restaurant
where after the meal you
toboggan down the hill
on a dimly lit track over
a course that seems a mile long. Endless laughs and fun ensued.
Regimental Journal 2018-20
   if you’re prepared to throw yourself into it, the results begin to show quickly

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