Page 52 - 103RA 2018-20
P. 52
103 Regiment Royal Artillery
The following day we chose to visit Salzburg, visiting the Red Bull Museum and getting in some shopping in the city. Sunday soon came around the remaining four days of instruction saw an introduc- tion (or refresher) to the slalom courses and freestyle parks which would be used for the competition. They look small in the picture, but it’s a different story when you’re cruising up to them! Very unfortu- nately, Pte Sophie Hicks fell badly on day 7 whilst preparing to seed for her place on the slalom. She was airlifted from the slopes and flown to a nearby hospital where she was treated promptly and returned to the Team the same day.. Her boarding was over for the trip but, refusing to be beaten, she was straight back on the horse; cleaning the accommodation, helping to prepare meals and provide morale in abundance as the second week tiredness inevitably set in and reliance on endless Gunner spirit was inevitable!
The competition comprised 3 events, slalom, boarder-cross and slopestyle. The overall outcome is measured based on a team of 4 of mixed ability, with only the top three scores counting per event. Slalom and Boardercross are won by being first across the line without missing any gates and continually winning the heat you are
in. Slopestyle is won by amassing points gained on different obstacles throughout the course.
103 Regt RA achievements saw Lt Lydia Brownlow knocked out early but Bdr Scott Brooks and 2Lt Tim Benson challenged late into the heats with 2Lt Tim Benson eventually taking third place. The inter- mediate boarder-cross saw Sgt Nina
Kitajewski gain valuable points in a tough intermediate field. The advanced teams saw most of our teams’ points gain. Sgt Vicky Wilkinson performed excellently over all three disciplines. This led to her achieving the best overall female rider. WO2(BSM) Andy Ward also worked hard to net some valuable points. The overall position for the Regiment was that we