Page 9 - 103RA 2018-20
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                                Royal Gun Salute for HRH The Prince of Wales
14th November 2019 saw the 71st Birthday of The Prince of Wales and following mandatory tradition this certain anni- versary was marked by gun salutes from thirteen different locations across the United Kingdom and overseas.
On this particular year, 103 Regiment Royal Artillery were invited to carry out proceedings within the grounds of Caer- narfon Castle. That Prince Charles was in fact invested here by the Queen as The Prince of Wales in 1969, made this location highly befitting to conduct a royal gun salute from its prestigious walls.
208 Bty BC Major John Young and BTO Captain Graham Stephenson oversaw preparations and command of the salute,
whilst Staff Sergeant Lee Hamlett also acted as a Detachment cCoyal Salute proved to be a proud moment for all associated to the battery, and especially for those that worked solidly to provide a huge success.
Such hard work and drive for success culminated in the Guns signifying their salute in front of great crowds and pres- tigious guests, as the salute was fired over the banks of the Menai Strait. The L118 Light Guns proved again to be the staple of the occasion, representing the ever-in- creasing strength of 103 Regiment Royal Artillery, and all that worked towards this occasion.
Regimental Journal 2018-20
  90th Birthday Celebration
On Sunday 27th July 2020 we were privileged to be able to support the reduced celebrations of one of the Regiments longest serving friends, Troop Sergeant Major 22368233 Johnnie Beardwood.
Johnnie was planning on cele- brating his 90th birthday with family and friends at a function in the Brigadier Philip Toosey Barracks, 208 Battery 103 Regt RA but unfor- tunately due to COVID19 this was not possible. His family had decided to have a small gathering of close family when the Royal Artillery Association (RAA) asked if we could help.
We went along to his house with a Light Gun and met a few of his friends from the RAA. He was presented with a print of one his days on the gun line by the RAA and an engraved 105mm cartridge by the Battery. The following citation was read by the RAA;
At the age of 21 he joined the Royal Artillery and commenced basic training in Oswestry. He served with 60th HAA. Stationed at Palace Barracks, Hollywood, Belfast and 626 HAA Bty (The Liverpool Irish). He served in the Sgt’s mess from 1st June 66 finishing his career as WO2 TSM A-Troop (Liverpool Irish) on 15th Feb 82 at which time he oversaw the conversion from the 40/70 to the Shoulder Launched Blowpipe System.
Happy 90th Birthday Johnnie and thanks for 69 years of loyal service to the Royal Regiment, to 208 Bty and The Liverpool Irish and for proudly wearing it’s treasured Caubeen.
 November 2019
Liverpool Civic
Every year and in the picture below for 2019, 208 Bty join the Liverpool Civic Remembrance Parade with a Lt Gun Detachment firing to mark the two minutes silence and lead the parade past the Cenotaph and St Georges Hall.

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