Page 20 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 20
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
What a ‘Maint Day’ on exercise should not look like. Thanks Capt Black!
Sgt Jeffries’ victory cigar
ebrated success, the Legion was immedi- ately preparing to get out the door on Ex Defender 22, a NATO exercise of great strategic importance, in Poland. Of course, whilst we had all been on the Plain, Putin had given orders for his troops to invade another sovereign nation’s territory. This exercise, whilst pre-planned as part of ongoing NATO readiness exercises, had risen in significance, indeed Putin’s actions were going to shape much of the remainder of the year for the Sqn, as it did for the whole of UK Defence.
This exercise will be spoken at greater length separately from this article, but all I will say is that it was a tremendously rewarding exercise. Huge work from Capt Montgomery-Stuart, SSgt Russell, SSgt Cheshire, Sgt Jeffries, and SSgt Warren, the Sqn Tiffy, and Sgt Fairs, his artificer Sgt, to get us out there. We were self-suf- ficient throughout, with minimal break- downs, having covered 1500km, including a rigorous exercise in the forests of eastern
who knew it like the back of their hands, it being Infantry stomping grounds. The tables had turned, and this made it a rel- atively frantic and uncomfortable final phase. With a company of 2 Lancs attached we conducted a raid onto the enemy main defensive position. Guided in by A Sqn who marked the FUP, for which Lt Riall was not particularly grateful for the 100m steep uphill ascent to the enemy position, who were of course waiting for us. An almighty battle ensued, whilst the remain- der of the Sqn was involved in complex artillery and ambush attacks from all sides. Thankfully endex was called with survi- vors few on the ground, but morale was high, as everyone knew fresh scoff and a withdrawal from Wales was imminent.
A great experience was had, even though it may not have felt it in certain moments, such as the long road move back from Brecon in painfully horizontal full fron- tal rain. Memories remain vivid; no radio comms back to BGHQ – blissful, although
the sense of guilt on observing the 2IC, Capt Addison cramped up like a contor- tionist in his Panther frantically tapping away on his data terminal, will remain. Cpl Hodgson’s route selection through the centre of Bath, much to the delight of a local primary school. Cpl Newton’s short, sharp, and deadpan assessments on the enemy picture, even during a particu- larly hectic delay and rearward passage of lines serial. Sgt Richardson, Cpl Coles and their band of silent assassins in 4th Troop, or ‘Reaper 34’ as they liked to call them- selves. Knacking anything with armour that moved with JAV, and getting LCpl Hall and his snipers early eyes onto enemy targets, and even finding and destroying the enemy (2Scots) CO. All in all a highly successful exercise.
Once off the plain some frantic planning and vehicle reconditioning became the focus. As the other Sqns relaxed and cel-
The result of failing to buy your troop bokkies– Lt Doggart is traded for a Polish APC driver
Fed up with rations for 4 weeks,
Cpl Newton celebrates his next meal
Comrade Hardy prepares for A Sqn’s final attack