Page 21 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 21
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
No matter how tired or dusty, Tpr Lyons always finds time for a Blue Steel
Poland for 5 days. Having achieved all of that they then got us back in the space of 3 weeks. A mammoth effort that was well worth it, not least in demonstrating our strategic and tactical manoeuvrability in deploying to theatre, and interoperability with our Polish NATO allies.
I remember vividly being on the bus, travelling from Gdansk to the Tatra Mountains in Southern Poland, when receiving notice that the Regiment was likely to be involved in what was rapidly becoming the main effort for the British Army – training Ukrainian soldiers some- where and in some capacity. As it turned out, C Sqn were selected to assist as an enabling element to support the LD run training delivery unit in the form of gen- eral duties troops, commencing mid June. In a rapidly formed mission, the commit- ment for the Sqn on Op Interflex saw a total of 16 troops conducting guard and logistic duties. Sgt Duncan and Cpl Burd, the Sqn’s engineers were also in support, predominantly planning and running the vitally important battle inoculation seri- als for the tactical exercises. This ensured
C Sqn provide the Ring of Steel during a BG raid
the fresh Ukrainian troops preparing to deploy to the front line in 4 weeks time had at least some form of realistic experi- ence to reduce the shock during their first exposure to real incoming live rounds. Lts Doggart and Riall also supported the oper- ation as liaison officers in HQ 11 Brigade, the operational headquarters.
To ensure the Sqn was able to conduct all its tasks over this period, whilst ensuring the troops remained focused and refreshed, we rotated the teams every 2 weeks, less Cpl Aitken, who was given acting Sgt rank and supported the RQMS manag- ing the administrative and logistical ele- ments of keeping the camp in good order. With such a significant portion of the Sqn on this task, and the
constant flow of other Army
tasks filtering down, this was a relatively dysfunctional period for the Sqn, however it also featured some fun summer activi- ties, and plenty of drill practice!
July saw a week’s adventurous training in the Lake District, a week in Normandy on a battlefield study, for those selected, and frantically learning a drill routine straight out of the Sandhurst playbook.
This midsummer period also saw quite a personnel change, with a large influx of fresh recruits joining the Sqn. WO2 Price finished his tenure as the SSM, moving into to be the Training Wing Warrant Officer, handing over to WO2 Greenwood, also from the Recce Wing in Warminster. WO2 Price has been a complete stalwart
and all round support for all the Sqn during his tenure. An absolute tac- tical brain, and all round oracle of military knowledge, and, whilst his annex Bs might not be missed by many, his all round presence will be! Sgt Richardson became the ‘Chief’ Regimental
Tpr Taylor not posing for a photo