Page 22 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 22
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
Sgt Rae making every effort to fit into the Sgt’s Mess and in his new role as Warrior Sgt
Legion auditions for the next episode of Love Island, Scotland edition
Duty Staff, the artist formally known as Provost Sgt, a role he is very well suited to. He immediately helped the Sqn by receiv- ing all our new troopers in a revitalised regimental work induction programme to bed them in before they join their Sqns, whilst spinning dits and giving them the world according to Ritchie no doubt.
After some much deserved and required summer leave, whilst still supporting Op Interflex, the remainder of the Sqn were tasked with providing some enemy for A Sqn, supported by the QOY, to conduct their Sqn level validation exer- cise in Galloway Forest on Ex Galloping Dragoon. Based on Russian tactics, to provide a realistic enemy, the Legion employed Maskirovka in all its thematic glory to test the Empire in what was chal- lenging terrain in the decisively chan- nelled coniferous woodblocks in forestry commission and national park territory. A good test for A Sqn, and a good oppor- tunity to blood some of the new troopers,
and a new troop leader in Lt Arulampalam, who relished taking on his oppo from Tp Ldrs, Lt Emanuel! It was also a chance for the Rusty Helmet to have a decent run out, with the SQMS having a chance to blood some new chefs, with some mixed results. Tpr Wright has massively improved his burger flipping skills and SV driving as a result of this exercise. The mid exercise Sqn Smoker in the quarry under the cloud- less, star laden, night sky, accompanied by the dulcet tones of Sgt Jeffries and Lt Doggart will live long in the memory.
The remainder of the year flew by with the significant action being the silver medal winning Cambrian patrol team, made up of predominantly C Sqn pers managed and led by Lt Riall, Sgt Rae and Cpl Leonard, who all did a brilliant job preparing what was the fastest team around the course. The directing staff were truly impressed, and despite some minor facets preventing a gold medal performance, they have set the bar high for the 2023 LD team.
The autumn saw a change of Sqn 2iC, with Capt Addison handing over to Lt Riall in the hot seat. They are big boots to fill, and his enthusiasm and work rate will be dif- ficult to match, and the Sqn is immensely grateful for all he has done, which is simply replicated in all the Sqn success this year. Alongside this came 2 x Sgt promotions for Rae and McDonnell, taking over the reins of 2nd Tp and Tech Sgt respectively, fol- lowing the departure of Sgt Brooks, who ventures to civilian pastures, and SSgt Cheshire the new A Sqn SQMS.
Alongside the collective achievements there have been some immense individual ones: Sgt Richardson was presented the Wilfred-Harris award for the top SNCO in the Royal Armoured Corps, for his accom- plishments this year; Cpl Astwood was awarded the King Abdullah Medal, by the Colonel-in-Chief himself in the Cavalry & Guards Club, for the most outstanding junior leadership in the Light Dragoons this year; Sgt Rae continues to set the
The SQMS makes the most of the business class seats he has squared himself away with
Galloway Forest PT