Page 16 - 1RHA 2023
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1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
    Capt Trotman’s FST during Ex ASKARI STORM, Kenya
Ex ASKARI STORM 23 – Mar 2023
Several members of the Battery deployed to Kenya for Ex ASKARI STORM in support of the Coldstream Guards Battle Group. Well known for being an austere and challenging exercise, the mem- bers of the Bty deployed for a total of 9 weeks as a complete FST.
Led by Capt Trotman, the FST integrated seamlessly into 3 Coy conducting a comprehensive RSOI and company integration package. This included dismounted LFTT and CALFEX with D Bty 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery’s Gun Group. Integrated live fire provided essential lessons to both the manoeuvre arm and the FST, synergising combined arms effectively with a com- prehensive BG wrap.
The FTX is where the exercise really came to life. The mountain- ous and expansive training area provided a real world feel to dis- mounted operations, something that cannot be easily replicated within the UK. Utilising synthetic training aids, the FST where able to execute fires onto a free-thinking enemy force, providing 3 Coy with tangible effects in both offensive and defensive actions. It is fair to say both 1 CG BG and L Bty tac walked away with a considerable increase in knowledge and experience, cement- ing an efficient team ready to transition into the complexity of armoured FSTs.
The large deployment to Kenya also gave the team opportunities to see the real and wild side of Africa. Throughout the exercise phase the team saw four of the big five and had some very per- sonal and unique encounters with the wildlife, which included being stalked by 9 hyenas! This was the teams first time to Africa, by seeing the culture and wildlife each man walked away with fond memories and a better understanding of the truly unique culture and relationship the British army share with the country. Finally, a comprehensive AT package and lodge stop over allowed the team to unwind and relax, reflecting on a job well done!
Against the backdrop of our impending resubordination to 1RHA, it was imperative that we continued to train and hone our basic soldiering skills in the field. L (Néry) Battery deployed to one of the most unique training areas in the UK – RAF Spadeadam.
RAF Spadeadam is the only Electronic Warfare Tactics facility in Europe. Predominantly used by the RAF to practice air manoeuvre and tactics against a variety of threats, targets, and emitters – the training estate is littered with over 200 adversarial armoured vehi- cles, which provided a unique opportunity for forward observers to practice AFV recognition and provide real-time sighting reports.
Capt Trotman testing out other nations kit on Ex VIGILANT ILSES, Japan
The Battery practised many low-level soldiering skills which included the opportunity for our more junior members to take the lead on a demanding 15km navigation exercise, as well as stepping up as section leads for reaction to contact drills. A thor- oughly comprehensive reconnaissance lesson was delivered by Capt Hugo Pickett, followed by a night-time CTR – with several members of the battery utilising night vision equipment for the first time.
There was ample time in the programme to conduct ad-hoc les- sons, and our JNCOs stepped up to the plate to deliver some first- rate lessons on observation posts, TAS equipment and Navigation.
There was tangible benefit in conducting this low-level training and it was a valuable opportunity for the new team to integrate and train together before moving south.
As part of our planned move under the integrated review, all members of the Battery took part in a resubordination service at Hexham Abbey on 1st April 23. This provided an opportunity to formally bid farewell to the members of J (Sidi Rezegh) Bty, L (Néry) Bty and N (The Eagle Tp) Bty that were moving from 3 RHA under the integrated review. Following the poignant ser- vice, members of the Regiment enjoyed a superb curry buffet within the grounds of Hexham Abbey before departing on some well-deserved Easter leave.
Despite significant workforce gaps, the Battery have put in a stellar performance in ensuring we were suitably qualified with both Drivers and Commanders for the Warrior and Bulldog plat- forms in order for us to deploy on Ex SCORPION CYCLONE / Ex IRON TITAN. The Battery have converted to armour at pace, and despite lacking the ingrained experience, the younger mem- bers of the Battery have leapt at the challenge and have – so far – enjoyed the experiences that working with armour brings. The Battery welcomed a new BC’s Assistant – newly promoted Sgt Declan McGlaughin – from B Bty 1 RHA. Sgt McGlaughin has very quickly become an integral part of the team and his expertise on the Warrior platform has earned him a very fitting nickname – DMI Dec!
L (Néry) Battery deployed to SPTA on 06 Sept 23 in their new, armoured role after a frenetic post-summer leave period, where the Battery completed the last phase of our armoured conversion and mandatory training.

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