Page 17 - 1RHA 2023
P. 17

1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
    Members of L Bty taking a tactical pause during an attack, Ex ASKARI STORM
The Battery deployed and then conducted a PACEX in what can only be described as the ‘leaguer sweatbowl’ – with unseason- ably high temperatures for September, the Battery conducted battle preparation and communication training to ensure that we were ready to roll into our TQCC live firing phase.
During TQCC live firing, the FST commanders conducted a mul- titude of live firing, ranging from basic mission sets and under- standing how to employ the BGTI, through to more complex multi-battery rotation missions with impact grid corrections. Once the TQCC mission sets had been completed, we conducted a day of fireplanning – with the FST commanders ‘on point’ first, before the BC and BC’s assistant were put through their paces during a challenging BC’s fireplan, with some excellent rates and responses from the Gun Line.
The TAC group then conducted “Ex SCORPION DRAGON” – a three day simulation package ran via JFST at Solstice Park. The JFC were put through demanding serials, having to formulate and brief a credible plan at pace, before conducting both an execute of the defence and subsequent attack phase. Despite the JFC comprising of our more junior members, the team performed admirably – quickly coordinating and integrating the joint fires assets available to help best support the manoeuvre arm.
Upon completion of JFST, we then conducted further BCS and integration training with the RL before stepping off into the FTX / Ex IRON TITAN Phase. A thoroughly demanding 10 days, the FSTs supported B and D Sqns throughout, with BC’s TAC and the JFC remaining in BGHQ. We were able to practice and hone
Utilising the kit in a dismounted OP on Ex CYPHER ATHENA to PID vehicles
L Bty utilising the Warrior OPV after converting this year to armour, during Ex SCORPION CYCLONE
our skills utilising a synthetic wrap, and provided well informed Jt Fires advice to the manoeuvre arm throughout.
Battery Commander’s Look Forward
Whilst Ex SCORPION CYCLONE was undoubtedly a baptism of fire for our introduction to armour, the progress that the Bat- tery has made over the last several months has been nothing less than extraordinary. Whilst there is plenty more to learn and develop over the coming 12 months, every individual within the Battery should be immensely proud of both their individual and collective achievements. The future of the Battery is exciting; our focus now switches to supporting the RDG BG over a compre- hensive training pathway as we work towards Op CABRIT 15 (E) – the first such deployment for the Battery in several years.
  L (Néry) Battery
Maj A Charlton RHA Capt C Deeny RHA Capt L Henry RHA Capt W Trotman RHA WO2 Ramage
Sgt Mclaughlin Bdr Day
Bdr Hunt
Bdr Picanza LBdr Dench LBdr McCarthy LBdr Mcmullan LBdr Kernan
LBdr Smith
Gnr Baker-Walker Gnr Lawrence Gnr Lett
Gnr Mitchell
Gnr Osei
Gnr Wolecki
Postings in:
Maj Charlton Capt Deeny Capt Pickett Capt Murrison
WO2 (BSM) Ramage SSgt Rowley
Sgt McLaughlin
Bdr Day
Bdr Hunt
Bdr Picanza
LBdr McMullan LBdr Connor
Gnr Baker-Walker Gnr Lett
Gnr Osei
Postings out:
WO2 (BSM) Carpenter MC
Capt Jalili
Capt Pickett
Capt Jones SSgt Rowley CoH Lampard Sgt Maybanks Sgt Lilly
Bdr Atonio Bdr Dodwell Bdr Bower
Bdr Baker
Bdr Seward
Bdr Ratumaisese
LCoH Hale
LBdr Wood
LBdr McKenzie
LBdr Rimmer
LBdr Connor
LBdr Jenkins
Tpr Rigg
Gnr Manning-Chirnside Gnr McMahon
Gnr Herbert

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