Page 19 - 1RHA 2023
P. 19

1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
   mended, ensuring the spares and CES were acquired amongst other tasks.
Easter saw the key 3 (UK) Div training event in the form of Ex WARFIGHTER 23-4, a UK/US Divisional exercise that saw 3 (UK) Div operating beneath a US Corps. Augmentees from The Rocket Troop deployed to sustain the Divisional HQ, such as Sgt Limbu who led the kitchen at the HQ or to directly fulfil roles within it such as SSgt Robson who deployed as an Air and Joint Fires SME into the Joint Air Ground Integration Centre (JAGIC). The largest contribution from The Rocket Troop saw a number of the person- nel deploy as the LOCON for the exercise, putting divisional plans into reality, fighting and manoeuvring at the tactical level. The Commanding Officer deployed as Chief LOCON Fires, ensuring that Fires activity align to divisional intent and new 1 DRS ABCT doctrine. Most impressively however was the number of individu- als who were working a number of roles up. Bdr Cottrell was effec- tively a Regt Adjt in the FDC, and WO2 (BSM) Byrne acting as CO 19RA within 12 ABCT. There were more examples of excellent work from the Rocket Troop but these 2 examples where awarded commendations and a GOC 3 (UK) Div coin in recognition of their efforts taking the fight to the world class OPFOR.
No rest for many of The Rocket Troop on return from Texas, as the Regiment was placed at readiness for the Op VENTUS, support to natural disasters in the Caribbean. This readiness comes with a significant training burden and members of the Battery worked hard to meet the requirement before going on to cover the require-
Meeting the locals on Stones2Stones charity event
ment over the summer. Although held at readiness the period up to summer did allow The Rocket Troop some time in camp and we seized the initiative throwing ourselves into a battery charity event which saw The Rocket Troop walk from Avebury Stones in North Wiltshire down to Stonehenge, a distance of just over 30 miles, raising valuable money for the First Trust and some outstanding camaraderie. Additionally, The Rocket Troop delivered an excel- lent patrol competition as part of leadership week that saw teams of 10 from across the Regiment patrol across Salisbury Plain, to a variety of stands, testing their military skills and intuition, The RSM’s stand testing gunnery knowledge through the medium of a giant spud gun, a particular highlight. Capt Graeme Lye RHA of the Air Cell, was the lead and delivered a quality competition that was regarded by all as the highlight of leadership week.
 OHQ Battery
Lt Col J Luck RHA
Maj A Chalmers RHA Maj G King RHA
Maj S Smith RHA
Maj J Harvard RHA
Maj P O’Driscoll RAChD Maj J Wells RHA
Capt J Coxon RHA
Capt C Davey RHA Capt J Eeles RHA
Capt C Fox RHA
Capt M Gaughan RHA Capt S Paine RHA
Capt G Sterry RHA Capt D Taylor RHA Capt P West RHA
Capt G Rawlye RHA WO1 Clapp
WO2 Byrne
WO2 Challand
WO2 Garrood
WO2 Kavwenje
WO2 Markham
WO2 Middleton
WO2 Rees
WO2 Riley
WO2 Rushmore
SSgt Amponsah
SSgt Brown
SSgt Coleman
SSgt Collins
SSgt Curtis
SSgt Hemingfield SSgt Kemp
SSgt Power
SSgt Robson SSgt Robinson Sgt Broatch
Sgt Coulson Sgt Frayne
Sgt Glen
Sgt Gurung Sgt Gowen
Sgt Harris
Sgt Johnson Sgt Limbu
Sgt McGrath Sgt O’Connor Sgt Rantija Pun Sgt Scott
Sgt Smith Sgt Stickland Sgt Warner Sgt Wharfe Sgt Wilcox Bdr Clark Bdr Cottrell Bdr Lopresti Bdr Merry Bdr Milsom Bdr Toon Bdr Ward Cpl Gurung Cpl Gurung
Cpl Klass
Cpl Kaucha
Cpl Murumbeh-Fynn Cpl Willis
Cpl Williams
LBdr Briggs
LBdr Cooper
LBdr Clowes
LBdr Hanks
LBdr Hodnett
LBdr Ligabalavu LBdr Mowlem
LBdr Parker
LBdr Tennent
LBdr Waqaitukana LBdr Watson
LCpl Booth
LCpl Faulkner
LCpl Gregory
LCpl Thorley-Hulme LCpl Nickie
LCpl Sankey
LCpl Sharples
LCpl Walker
LCpl Williams
AS1 Davies
Gnr Andrews
Gnr Brison
Gnr Caine
Gnr Evans
Gnr Freitag
Gnr Kasowaqa
Gnr Naresia
Gnr Richer
Gnr Sesi
Gnr Skinner
Gnr Thompson
Gnr Tabulutu
Gnr Williamson Gnr Gurley-Wallace Pte Bell
Pte Da Silva Pte Hendy Pte Isidore Pte Lavia
Posted out:
Lt Col R Taylor
Maj Richardson RHA Capt Mountford
Capt Evans RHA
Capt Clarke RHA Capt Moriarty RAChD Capt Dodd RHA
Capt Bulmer RHA Capt Philip RHA
Capt Davis AGC
Capt Carter AGC
Flt Lt Denny RAF WO1 Matthews
WO2 Keast
WO2 McDonnell
SSgt Omahony-Doran SSgt Campbell
SSgt Gordon-King SSgt May
Sgt Johnson
Sgt Ogunnusi
Bdr Pullinger Bdr Hardy Bdr Dainty Bdr Hunt Bdr Rayward Bdr Kirk
Cpl Raines
LCpl Alexander
LBdr Jackson
LBdr Bickerton-Green LCpl Sevier
Capt Graeme and Samantha Rawlye Flt Lt Tom and
Flt Lt Helen Denny
Capt C. Dodd , 04/04/2023, Alfred George Dodd,
Bdr H. Toon, 25/05/2023, Leif Robert Toon,
WO2 R. Garrood, 13/08/2023, Jamie George Garrood
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