Page 26 - 1RHA 2023
P. 26
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
Quartermaster Technical Department SSgt Robinson (RFM)
What a year it has been for the Quartermaster Technical department. The year has seen us drafted into a pleth- ora of real-life support tasks, exercises and managing the day to day running of the regimental accounts.
As always in the world of logistics, its “work, work and no play.” The department has been busy throughout the year, preparing for major exercises, EX IRON TITAN under EX SCOPION CYCLONE on Salisbury plain training area (SPTA) the department is already looking forward to what will be a well-deserved stand down for Christmas leave.
Captain Sterry has not been long in post and must be already pulling his hair out. Having to oversee the daily running of the department while constantly being drafted into planning meet- ings is not a job for the faint hearted. He arrived in early February and was dispatched quickly to Monchengladbach, Germany for several weeks to oversee the regeneration of eight of the AS90 fleet held in storage there. These vehicles were to be inspected, serviced and repaired in a relatively short period and then gifted in kind to Ukraine.
WO2(RQMS) Riley was posted into the department in October 2022. For a short period, he had to step up and cover the role of QM(T). Having arrived from an air defence back ground for the majority of his career, the RQMS has adjusted well to the life of a fast-paced gun regiment. He has deployed on EX SCOR- PION CYCLONE and has gained vital experience in controlling an ammunition control point. The RQMS has a sharp sense of humour and always keeps the department smiling everyday.
Staff Sergeant Robinson (RFM) has represented the Regiment on several occasions as part of the Regimental Basketball team and carried out numerous driving exams in support of 1 Deep Recce
SSgt Robinson representing 1st RHA Basketball team
Strike (1DRS). He has played a key role in ensuring the vehicles were ready on time to hand over as part of the GIK. He also has a secondary role of Troop Sergeant Major, a role in which he thrives off as he likes to keep moral high within the department.
Sgt Gurung joined the department in April 2023 during a very busy time. He was involved in Op VENTUS making sure all items were correctly received on MJDI and issued to the right individ- ual. On top of his busy job role, he also finds himself a Health and Safety advisor for the Regiment. His role as the Health and Safety representative for the Regiment was very demanding and he ensured that the Regiment passed external audits. He was rightfully awarded with the Army Individual Commendation which was presented by the Master Gunner.
Bdr Merry has had an active year ensuring that he is qualified to fulfil his new job role. This has seen him successfully complet- ing the Unit Ammunition Storekeeper course and completing the Authorised Representative by Road which allows him to author- ise dangerous goods paperwork and keeps the Regiment ADR compliant. During this busy period, he was able to successfully raise money for cancer research and became a TRIM practitioner.
Bdr Milsom has been deployed on EX IRON TITAN under EX SCORPION CYCLONE where he has been located at the Ammunition Control Point (ACP) ensuring all the ammunition is accounted for and sent to the gun batteries. He has also worked on the regiment’s backloading and accounting for all BOWMAN equipment. During such a busy period, he has successfully com- pleted his Arty Log level 2 and Hyster course and already looking ahead to qualify as a C+E driver in the New Year.
Cpl Kaucha arrived from Brunei in July 2023. He has been responsible for ensuring all Driver Fitted Items and expense items are processed correctly within the Regiment. He has come into
SSgt Robinson enjoying 1st RHA family’s day