Page 31 - Simply Veg 1 2024
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 Judges Corner
Here’s a couple of items that may help both exhibitors and judges alike. We hope you find them of use and if there are any items you would like
us to add in future editions for the Judges Corner, please just contact Fiona Shenfield.
Onions from seed versus onions from sets – How do we tell the difference on the show bench?
An onion set is a small bulb that
will have been grown from seed the previous year, but then stopped as an immature bulb. We can then purchase the onion sets (small bulbs) in the Spring and plant them out. They will grow quite quickly, and you can harvest them the same year. Onion sets are easier to grow than growing onions from seed. So how does a judge know if an onion was grown from a set/ or from seed? Well by looking at the base of the onion (the root plate), you will see that an onion grown from a set will exhibit
a small corky type of centre from the previous year’s growth. Please refer to the photographs, showing two examples of the bases of onion sets.
“Any Other Veg”
When faced with the class that we often see in a show schedule called “any other veg”, how do you judge it ?
The judges guide states
“When judging ‘any other vegetable’ class’s, common sense should prevail. The pointing system should not be used as this is only relevant when judging like against like. “
“A well grown and exhibited dish of a low value vegetable should be preferred to an indifferent dish of a higher value one.”
So what we are saying, is that in the “any other veg” class, treat them all the same and , for example, a good quality Courgette may get a better prize than a poor quality Globe Beetroot.
  Role of National Treasurer
As advised at the NVS AGM, Jean Forrester, our National Treasurer said that she decided to retire in September ’24. We are therefore actively looking for a volunteer to take on the role of National Treasurer next year, who can hopefully shadow
Jean for some of this year to enable a seamless transfer. You are not required to
be an accountant at all, to take on this role, just have an understanding of general banking. Should you like to find out more about this role, please let Jean or myself know. (Contact details on page 3).
                                  plants. This incredibly versatile system can satisfy the needs of everything from seeds to vines, herbs to flowers, and all kinds of veg.
As used by 13-times RHS Chelsea Gold Medal Winner Medwyn Williams, Tray2Grow can be set up for seed trays, micro herb trays, pots of all sizes, a grow bag, or a fabric planter.
Tray2Grow It’s easy to combine multiple Tray2Grow systems together and progress your plants through every stage from seed to table or vase. It’s a plants’ home for life!
About AutoPot
AutoPot Watering Systems allow growers of all abilities to grow anything, anywhere, power-free, with no running water required.
Whether it’s flowers, fruit, root vegetables, vine crops, brassicas, squashes, spices, or even pulses, our systems are capable of responding to plant requirements better than any other form of irrigation for one simple reason: the plants control their own watering.
The plants are put in control by the patented AQUAvalve, the device at the heart of every AutoPot Watering System. The AQUAvalve regulates the supply of water and fertiliser to the container in which the plant is situated. Only once a plant has exhausted the supply will the AQUAvalve reopen to admit a fresh fill. It’s 100% responsive and not a single drop of water or fertilisers goes to waste.
Powered by gravity alone, AutoPot Watering Systems require no electricity and no running water, so you can set up pretty much wherever you please. Better still, you can walk away or holiday with no fear of leaving utilities switched on.
Economically and ecologically the systems represent a safe, sustainable solution that, given the rising pressures and costs of utilities, couldn’t be more timely.
Tray2Grow is the completely automated, completely power-free system that offers you five ways to feed and water your plants. Seed trays, small pots, grow bags, micro herbs, and planters, can each be accommodated, making this the most versatile product in the AutoPot range and one of the most versatile irrigation systems. For more information, head to the AutoPot website.
Simply Vegetables 31

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