Page 54 - Simply Veg 1 2024
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Firstly, I would like to say how good it was to be back and to see old friends and make new ones, and secondly,
a huge ‘thank you’ to our exhibitors, without whom there would be no show. I wish to congratulate the winners, and to the losers I say, please don’t give up, keep trying and you will get there.
Unfortunately, exhibits were down this year, due mainly to the strange weather, but also a few regulars did not come as they had exhausted their entries at the National Championships the previous week in Yorkshire. There was also initially an issue with Malvern and tickets but thankfully
this was rectified and hopefully the same arrangements will continue in the future. Thank you to those who did support us, and I think everyone will agree, there were some amazing entries on the tables. It
was good to see Andrew Jones back and winning Best in Show for his parsnips.
We look forward to seeing you all – and hopefully more - back next year, although the Nationals will once again fall the
week before Malvern. With the Midlands’
Championships being a three day show now, it does mean exhibitors have less time between the Nationals and the Midlands to prepare.
I am pleased to have Bob Bleasdale on board as Assistant Show Manager. We worked very well together, and I know Bob is an asset to the committee and the job in hand. He put in a lot of hours creating a new stand which paid off, as we were given a Silver Award by the judges.
I would like to thank the judges and stewards, all doing a marvellous job as always, and no complaints from exhibitors means everyone, hopefully, was satisfied. Special thanks to Rob Holmes for stewarding through the night, a thankless job which is much appreciated.
It was really great to see some new faces
exhibiting. Well done to Tim Cox from Tetbury, winning prizes, including a first, at the first time of entering, and to Hannah Perry from Hampshire, for winning the novice class. Watch out for these names next year.
We were also graced with a visit from Adam Frost from BBC Gardeners’ World to the stand. Bob and I had a long chat with him, and he was very interested in the work of the NVS.
I am hoping that next year the schedule will be available earlier as many exhibitors have said they prefer to have a hard copy well in advance.
I wish you all a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you around and about.
Mike Davies, FNVS, Show Manager
  Tibberton & District Horticultural Society
Tibberton & District Horticultural Society’s show still maintains its image as the typical Village Show, with side stalls, bowling, afternoon teas etc, and, of course, the marquee containing classes of all descriptions and the inevitable vegetable section.
For many years Robert Heigham was the force behind the vegetable section, before retiring from the committee last year. Since obtaining his NVS Judge’s qualification, Robert has judged at all levels of NVS shows and is a familiar face around the local shows in his area. This year he was awarded a Fellowship, which is richly deserved.
He and Mike Davies are always in competition with their Collection of Vegetables at the Tibberton Show and this year Robert beat Mike by one point, as his reaction in the photo shows. The Midlands Branch proposes to have a small stand at Tibberton Show in 2024 so please come along and see us if you are able to.
June Davies, FNVS
 54 Simply Vegetables

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