Page 19 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 19

Treat yourself and your family to the perfect highland holiday. You’ve earned it.
the perfect highland retreat in the heart of royal deeside
Fresh clean air, great hospitality, breathtaking views and so much to do. Treat yourself to the perfect highland holiday at Douneside House, a charming Scottish country house o ering holidays subsidised by  e MacRobert Trust for all serving and retired o cers of the armed services and the reserves. Perfect for young families with excellent facilities including spa, pool, gym and indoor games area.
For reservations and details of our special o ers available throughout the year, contact us on +44 (0)13398 81230 or email - See independent reviews on
additional discount is available to those on r&r or potl
SANDHURST 17 douneside house, tarland, aberdeenshire, ab34 4ul scotland +44 (0)13398 81230

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