Page 27 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 27

foot. It is a bygone mountain cabin relic from the Soviet bloc era of Romania and time machine back to the 1950s.
From start to  nish, Ex TRANSYLVANIAN CADET was a resounding success and a trip of epic pro- portions. Whilst it was exceptionally gruelling at points, the sheer challenge of the walk is the reason the mountains are so untouched and as such, an unknown European treasure. Moreover, as the world continually embraces the nature of globalisation, there are few destinations that could feel further removed from the temptations of capitalism than the Făgăraș ridgeline of the Southern Carpathians. I challenge anyone to not embrace the romanticist nature of the Romanian mountains, harking back to a bygone era of the Soviet bloc. Thank you to the Sandhurst Trust
for such a generous grant and helping such an expedition to be possible; for that we are all truly grateful.

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