Page 4 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 4
Commandant’s Foreword ...............................3
Deputy Commandant Introduction..................4
Exercise BEDOUIN CADET.............................7
Exercise CAELUS CADET...............................8
Exercise CALEDONIAN CADET ...................10
Exercise CORSICAN ASCENT CADET .........12
Exercise ESCALADA CADET ........................14
Exercise ICARUS CADET .............................18
Exercise OMAN SAMANI CADET..................19
Exercise SNOW LEOPARD CADET...............21
Exercise TRANSYLVANIAN CADET...............23
Exercise ALPINE CADET (Mountaineering in Switzerland) .............................................26
Exercise BRENNER CADET..........................28
Exercise CERDDED CADET..........................30
Exercise DOLOMITEN CADET ......................32
Exercise KAJAKK CADET.............................35
Exercise POSEIDEN CADET.........................38
Exercise SHARKING CADET ........................40
Exercise VIKING CADET...............................41
Exercise DRAKENSBERG CADET ................43
Exercise ICE CADET.....................................44
Lourdes Re ection........................................45
RMAS on the 58th International Military Pilgrimage to Lourdes ..............................46
Islamabad and the Pakistan Military
Academy – a visit by Of cer Cadets
from RMAS – August 2016 ......................48
Falklands Charity Ball –
The Last Days of the Raj ..........................50
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst NZ Tour 16–27 April 2016 .....................................51
Exercise DYNAMIC VICTORY 1 ....................54
OCdt Martin’s Company Prayers on Sel ess Commitment ............................................59
Blenheim Company Dinner Night..................60
Blenheim Company Dinner Night
and Prayers .............................................61
Impressions of Sandhurst .............................63
The Siege of Lucknow – 1857 ......................64
Slim’s Company............................................70
Lucknow or Never ........................................71
Inkerman Charity Ball....................................73
Exercise ORYX ENDEAVOUR .......................74
Inspirational Presentation..............................76
Margaret Jones 1926–2016..........................77
Transition from Civilian to Of cer Cadet.........78
Exercise LONG REACH Impressions ............80
First Impressions of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst ................................................83
Junior Term –
a Burma Company Perspective................84
Exercise LONG REACH................................85 Weeks One to Five: From “I” to “We” ............86 Overseas Of cer Cadet Perspective..............88
The Sandhurst Trust – Onwards and
Upwards ..................................................89
Safeguarding Academy Heritage: Sandhurst Collection News.......................................92
Department of Communication and Applied Behavioural Science (CABS) Overview
2016 ......................................................100
The First Casualty: Britain’s propaganda effort in the US during the Great War ..................101
DIA Report 2016–17...................................104
New Perspectives on the Artillery Pieces at RMA Sandhurst ....................................124
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