Page 6 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 6

Deputy Commandant Introduction
Brigadier WSC Wright, OBE,
Deputy Commandant Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Brig Bill Wright commissioned into the Royal Green Jackets (RGJ) in 1989. Initial post- ings included Adjutant, Company Com-
mander and a Platoon Commander’s post at RMAS. He attended ACSC 5 and was then Mili- tary Assistant to Director General Army Training and Recruiting. Subsequent company command in 1RGJ included operational tours of Northern Ireland and Kosovo.
He was the Battalion Second-in-Command for 2 Ri es’ deployment as Basra City Battlegroup on Op TELIC 9. On promotion to Lieutenant Colonel he was posted to Headquarters Land Forces as SO1 organisation and plans. He took command of 2 Ri es in 2010 and led the Battalion on their deployment to Afghanistan (Op HERRICK 15) as the Brigade Advisory Group embedded in the Afghan National Army’s 3/215 Brigade. Follow- ing promotion to Colonel in 2012, he assumed the appointment of Chief of Staff Force Troops Command. He attended the Defence Higher Command and Staff Course in 2013 and is the Army’s 1* Gender Proponent.
On promotion to Brigadier in 2014 he assumed command of 1 Armoured Infantry Brigade. His command tour included their high readiness year as the UK’s Lead Armoured Task Force.
He was appointed as Deputy Commandant of the Sandhurst Group in September 2016.
Brigadier Wright was awarded the MBE in 2009 for his tour as battalion Second-in-Command and the OBE in 2013 for his battalion command tour.
He is married to Sue and they have two chil- dren; George (13 yrs old) and Katie (11 yrs old). Sue served as a regular of cer in the Intelligence Corps and is now a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves. Brig Wright has recently taken up body boarding and BBQs, but remains a very enthusiastic amateur at both.

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