Page 5 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
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When people look back on 2016 there will be lots that stand out; Her Majesty’s 90th birthday, the centenary of the bat- tle of the Somme, BREXIT, and a new President elected to the White House to name but a few. For those of us at Sandhurst it would be easy to think that life carried on as normal, despite the celebrations, commemorations and change going on around us; and to a certain extent we would be right. In this year’s edition you will read about all that endures at the Academy; re ec- tions of the rst ve weeks, the trials of LONG REACH and DYNAMIC VICTORY, some hugely impressive Adventure Training expeditions, visits to our sister academies around the world, and of course three outstanding Sovereign’s Parades, each showing off the very best of Sandhurst’s rich history and tradition.
But you will also read about the change. I talked last year of the need to ensure we continue to attract the right quality and quantity of cadet, a task that has become increasingly challenging for a number of reasons. This year Sandhurst has done its bit and you will read about Slim’s Company; this is one example of the initiatives put in place over the last 12 months. Additionally, we have done more to improve the Academy’s reach and reputation. This year saw the rst deployment of a cadet platoon to Qatar as part of a newly formed Middle East Strategy. Follow- ing a hugely successful Alumni Dinner in Bah- rain, this year we launched the Overseas Medal, awarded to all those overseas cadets who suc- cessfully completed the commissioning course. In December we opened the Centre for Army Leadership, physically housed within Robert- son House (former Army Staff College), but very much now the home of leadership for the Army – how appropriate that it sits within the home of the British Army Of cer!
This year we also suffered loss and many of you will be aware of the passing of Margaret Jones who had served at the Academy for over 60 years. Margaret will be best remembered by generations of overseas cadets for whom she offered support and a sympathetic ear during the rigours of the commissioning course. She was part of the fabric of this place. As you would
Major General PAE Nanson CBE
The Commandant escorts HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, The Sovereign’s Representative
imagine, I have been inundated with letters of condolence from around the world. One current Head of State concluded ‘Sandhurst, for me, provided the best possible foundation for my military career and later my career in politics. I can’t think of a better grounding for anyone to venture into life other than the training I received.’ Margaret would be delighted!
So as we look forward to 2017, Sandhurst will continue to lead through change, by adapting its training and education to the increasingly com- plex character of warfare and by remaining ex- ible and adaptable. It will, however, ensure that it retains the character, ethos and traditions that have stood the test of time. Above all, it will con- tinue to turn out leaders who are every bit as good as those who fought 100 years ago, on the bloody elds of the Somme, and who continue to live by our motto ‘Serve to Lead’ by ensuring that, whatever the challenges ahead, they will lead by the force of their unsel sh example.
Enjoy this edition of The Wish Stream. SANDHURST 3
Commandant’s Foreword