Page 41 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
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on the South-Western tip of the island. With wind of only around three knots, the crew rigged the number one genoa sail in an attempt to catch what wind there was, but the tide helped Fim- bria move down the Solent towards the English Channel. As they approached the Needles, the helm turned the yacht to port and sailed along- side the row of distinctive chalk stacks towards Alum Bay. It was here all of the Of cer Cadets questioned their career choice as they sailed past a super yacht complete with her own heli- copter on deck, knowing that they would never own such a luxury!
The following day both crews were eager to prove themselves as the most experienced. The crew of Fimbria, spotting Mitra on the horizon, decided they would do so by catching up and overtaking in style. After two hours of hard sail- ing and focusing intently on the halyards to catch the best wind, they caught up with the yacht only to  nd it wasn’t Mitra at all, but an elderly couple enjoying a leisurely afternoon sail.
The expedition ended in style with both boats sailing back to Portsmouth and past the old and the new. Thanks to the Sandhurst Trust for sup- porting the expedition with generous funding.
1997 – 2017: The 20th Anniversary of the Battle Proms!
The UK’s premier picnic concert series, the Bat- tle Proms, have been treating their audiences to breath-taking, ground shaking entertainment since their  rst concert in 1997. For the last 20 years they’ve been bringing together a heady mix of sublime classical music, carefully choreo- graphed Spit re and cavalry displays, dramatic cannon  re and a stunning  rework  nale, all cre- ating the unforgettable Battle Proms experience .
For more information or to book tickets for an unfor- gettable experience go to
Burghley House - 8 July • Hat eld House - 15 July • Blenheim Palace - 22 July Highclere Castle - 5 August • Ragley Hall - 12 August
Summer celebrationS with muSic • FireworkS • SpitFire cannonS • cavalry

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