Page 43 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 43
body during a dive and how each diver can mitigate the risks of decompression illness (the bends). This cumulated in a written test for most of the divers, with a prize of being bought dinner for the highest scorer! One of the more experi- enced divers was furthering his ability to act as a rescue diver and his training cumulated in a casualty scenario where he had managed the rescue and delivered the appropriate rst aid. Each cadet passed their relevant assessment with ying marks and the civilian instructors were impressed by our determination, fast thinking and ability to work as a team – skills which were learnt at Sandhurst then developed and pushed further by our experiences in Malta.
By the end of the trip, those that had started with no experience were now hugely disappointed to be leaving and couldn’t wait to get back into the blue. We had all bonded over the arduous nature of the sport and the intense theory we had all
learnt to back it up with. We returned to RMAS having pushed our ability to operate in high risk situations and to take on a lot of knowledge and apply it within a short space of time. We must thank the Sandhurst Trust for their generous support of Ex SHARKING CADET.