Page 42 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 42
OCdt J Knight
Seven Of cer Cadets, 20 metres underwater, 2000 litres of Nitrox strapped to their back. What could go wrong?
Well, for the Of cer Cadets of Ex SHARKING CADET, they learnt that actually quite a lot can go wrong when scuba diving. Fortunately, due to the high quality training and instruction they received whilst in Malta, it meant that even for those who had zero underwater experience, everyone stayed safe whilst diving in some chal- lenging conditions. All involved got a scuba div- ing quali cation as well so they can now further their new pursuit in their own time.
It wasn’t all swimming through caves and boat trips though. Every diver had several hours’ worth of lectures providing them with the knowl- edge base to understand what happens to the
The group all agreed that the high
point of the trip occurred when we
took a day boat out of Malta to the
nearby island of Comino. Here we
did two dives; rst was a swim
through a cave system made famous for the location of hidden treasure in the Count of Monte Cristo lm. We then did a wreck dive of a patrol ship sunk in WW2. For most of the divers this
We then did a wreck dive of a patrol ship sunk in WW2.
was their rst experience of diving in these conditions. The challenges of having no clear surface and control- ling your buoyancy through a wreck were welcomed and overcome by all.