Page 51 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 51

Captain Grey  ring an LMG
ics  elds, halls of study, dining rooms, a drill square (complete with steps for commissioning parades) and an of cers mess. The Gentlemen Cadets are on parade at 0545hrs and have a full day of lessons, PT and drill, until dinner.
The RMAS cadets found two noticeable differ- ences between RMAS and PMA; the punishment system and cadet responsibilities. Punishments can take all evening and go on into the night and are mainly physical, consisting of forward roles and press ups. This is considerably different to the half-hour show parades that take place at Sandhurst. Furthermore, the punishments at PMA can be given out or stopped by the Senior Under Of cers (SUOs), who are put into that role permanently unless they misbehave and become ‘debelted’. One positive bene t that comes with the responsibility is that they do not do punish- ment parades. The RMAS cadets
Captain Kerr, Major Uqbah and Captain Grey with the RMAS cadets on the commissioning steps of PMA
recognised that the responsibility
held by SUOs challenges their
cadets and develops leadership
skills. Another observation was
the intensity of the physical train-
ing routine. The cadets run one
mile each morning, in addition to
their programmed PT sessions which include rope climbing using only their arms, and com- pulsory boxing matches.
Our group of eight was split down into the three different battalions; the Polo Team comprised of OCdts Reynolds, Langford, Hunter Johnston
and myself at Pak 1. OCdts Lewis and Halliday at Pak 2. OCdts McIl- wain and Slack at Pak 3. We were hosted and very well looked after by the SUOs for our respective bat- talions which was really appreciated because, despite having a tour of the Academy, we were quite over-
whelmed by the sheer size of PMA. Each morn- ing we fell in with the Gentlemen Cadets and as a consequence we can all now do drill in Urdu! Our days were  lled with activities and visits. We joined the Gentlemen Cadets obstacle course competition,  red a G3 and LMG on the ranges, played polo against PMA (unfortunately lost 5-3),
Our days were  lled with activities and visits.

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