Page 53 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
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gra music and traditional Indian dancing in the lavishly decorated marquee.
A sitar performer and drummer played traditional Indian music during the dinner while ESS pro- vided four fantastic traditional sizzling Raj cur- ries followed by a home-made ice cream stall. The evening went quickly and soon rolled into the charity auction and raf e. The auctioneer was British Army Light Dragoons of cer Capt Max Barber supported by OCdt Byrd and they had obviously been strategising prior to the event as he knew almost telepathically which Of cer Cadets to target in the auction for prizes. Ferocious bidding ensued between guests and Of cer Cadets to bid highest for the prizes on offer while raising money for Combat Stress. 16
Platoon were by far the happiest having secured pizza on Dynamic Victory in Germany. Not to be left disappointed, guests quickly joined the raf e with fantastic prizes donated by the Company and the Sandhurst Trust. The evening continued with Bhangra dancers and the band Itchy Feet who took the reins and  nished the evening with an infusion of swing, rock ’n’ roll and funk.
The evening was a great success, raising £11,811.81 for Combat Stress which will be of huge bene t to the ex-service men and women. The event has been a highlight of the Commis- sioning Course and as well as building support for Combat Stress, people have memories of Sandhurst that will stay with them for a lifetime.
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst NZ Tour 16–27 April 2016
The day after the Sovereign’s Parade, the RMAS Rugby Squad and coaching staff departed for New Zealand. The tightly- packed schedule allowed for three matches against Devonport Naval Base, the NZ Army Academy team and the Of cer Cadet School, along with a day sightseeing in the nearby town of Taupo and a day in Auckland.
On arrival, it became clear that Devonport would be unable to put a squad together, which allowed us two days to acclimatise and blow the cobwebs out; the  nal fortnight of term at RMAS
First catch of the tour
2Lt Wilson

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