Page 54 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 54

Eden Park visit
does not feature a lot of time for much beyond foot drill and kit preparation!
This respite was ideal and put the squad into the correct frame of mind for two games that we knew would be highly competitive. After the long drive to Waiouru, the squad were greeted with a traditional Maori welcome, the powhiri, and were welcomed to the marae, the spiritual home of the camp. This was an incredibly powerful and emotive moment, and illustrated in no uncertain terms the trials that we would face on the  eld.
With this challenge ringing in our ears, we set to our training in earnest, and in the  rst match our intense preparations paid off, earning us a solid victory against a youthful but physical NZ Army Academy side. A strong interception try from OCdt Raleigh was added to two opportunistic efforts by 2Lt Clements-Hunt and OCdt Andreoli  nished a  owing back move to round off the con- test. OCdt Williams capped a strong performance at number 8 with a try from the back of a scrum on the opposition 22. Much of the graft was pro- duced by the tight  ve who regularly turned ball over in the set piece and caused much dismay with their hard support in the loose. OCdts Scott- Bowden and Butler made great headway off the shoulder of the stand-in  y half OCdt Mackenzie- Lawrie, while OCdt Gale so comprehensively worked over his colossal opposite number that he was forced to abandon the  eld. The opposition came back strongly in the second half but were held to a last gasp try. The game ended 26-7 to RMAS, and the teams enjoyed a beer and re ec- tion on the hard-fought game.
Squad with NZ OCS 2016 intake

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