Page 52 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 52

repelled and played paintball at the Sub-Con- ventional Warfare Wing, watched a very impres- sive unarmed con ict display and visited two (out of six) regimental messes; the Frontier Force (Piffers) mess and Baloch-both messes were decorated beautifully, both inside and out. The Baloch mess had the most magni cent views over the city of Abbottabad which we enjoyed with dinner. We were also invited to attend a din- ner night with the Gentlemen Cadets and their Of cers. This was very similar to a dinner night at Sandhurst with a top table and after dinner speeches. PMA hold a mess dinner every week.
Once our visit at PMA had  nished we returned to Islamabad where we visited the Pakistan Monument. Opened in 2007, it aims to sym- bolise national unity with the four petals each representing a different province and the vari- ous murals representing the country’s history. We also visited the Lok Virsa Museum where we learnt more about the history of the coun-
Of cers from RMAS and PMA with the RMAS cadets
try before going to the Monal Restaurant in the mountains for dinner. The views were once again spectacular, reaching out across the whole of Islamabad including the unique Faisal Mosque. Built in 1986, it is an iconic symbol of Islama- bad. It was the perfect end to a once in a lifetime experience of visiting both Pakistan and PMA.
Falklands Charity Ball – The Last Days of the Raj
The Falklands Company char-
ity ball was an event organised
to support and raise funds for
Combat Stress, which is the UK’s
leading Veterans’ mental health
charity. Mental ill health affects
ex-service men and women of all
ages and Combat Stress provide free, timely, effective clinical treatment and welfare support to Veterans who suffer from psychological wounds.
They are currently supporting 6,000 Veterans aged from 18 to 97.
A huge elephant, weighing 40kgs with  amboyant carpet, showed the way into New College and guarded the entrance to Falkland’s char-
ity ball. Vibrant colours adorned the walls and golden lanterns and saris lit up the tables. As 350 guests arrived they were greeted by Bhan-
Mental ill health affects ex-service men and women of all ages...

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