Page 157 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 157
In recognition of his dedication and sel ess commitment to others.
In recognition of her exceptional service as a Civil Service Administrative Of cer.
LCpl D Bailey, 2 RIFLES
In recognition of his personal contribution to UN Mission, OP TRENTON.
Awarded to a Ri eman who has displayed the true characteristics
of a Thinking Ri eman.
Cpl Reynolds, 2 RIFLES
For exceptional and sel ess contribution.
For outstanding commitment as a Reserve Ri eman.
For exceptional contribution to the Regiment.
For exceptional contribution to the Regiment.
Mrs J Morgan, 7 RIFLES
Rfn C Inder, 7 RIFLES
For outstanding commitment to Regimental Heritage. Mr S Berridge – Latterly Buckingshire (The Ri es) Battalion ACF.
LCpl C Cobb, 7 RIFLES
Cpl C J Mc Donald, 7 RIFLES
Ms G Morrison, 3 RIFLES
Captain A R Miller, 3 RIFLES