Page 175 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 175
The Tri-Service Triathlon Competition (Go Tri) was hosted for the rst time at Barnard Castle School where the competitors had to complete a simultaneous timed swim, bike ride and run. All 12 cadets who entered from the contingent did remarkably well within their age groups and it has certainly whetted their appetites for future compe- titions within this sport. Congratulations particu- larly go to Lance Corporal Archie Hunt who won the youth male category and Colour Serjeant Tom Carter who won the 17-18-year-old male category.
The aim of ‘Exercise First Look’ is to give the new year nine cadets an insight into the type of military training that they will receive during their cadet career in the School’s CCF. The cadets spent the afternoon sitting through a number of eld craft lessons delivered by the NCOs. Reserves from D (Ri es) Coy 5RRF gave the cadets a hands on signals and weapons presentation which they thoroughly enjoyed. After an exciting night exercise – Operation behind enemy lines, cadets had four hours sleep in their bashas before the morning events, which included command tasks and a section competition. Cadet Will Hunter was selected as the best year nine cadet, with Cadets Rob Harris and Mark Nicholson as the runners up. Cadet RSM Kim Hodgson also received the Nicholson trophy for the best NCO too.
‘Exercise Second Look’, put the cadets through their paces as they were taught the six section battle drills required to carry out a section attack. Once they had learnt the theory this was put into practice in a number of dry rehearsals lead by Serjeant Pennock (4XCTT) before the section commanders (Serjeants Jack Dickinson, Fergus Hewitson and Caleb Ellis) took their sections into battle, winning the re ght each time. Major Dowdall from D (Ri es) Coy 5RRF offered his expertise on the PRRs which enhanced a sense of reality to the section attacks.
RAF Section
Although the inclement weather in the North of England has unfortunately cancelled every Air Experience Flying day this year at RAF Lemming, the RAF cadets have continued with their classroom training.
Aviation day is dedicated to the 86 RAF personnel who lost their lives, when their planes crashed over the Dale in an area dubbed the ‘aircraft graveyard’ near Barnard Castle. Within the annual service, held at the Garden of Remem- brance, wreaths were presented by the cadets and laid by Major Connor, representatives of RAF Leeming and the Royal Air Force Association and Barnard Castle Town Council
Lance Corporals Matthew Shovlin and Jackson Smith have places on the Air Cadet Pilot Scheme at Tayside airport this summer and Corporal Matthew Sellars has been awarded at place on the ACLC at RAF Cranwell.
Remembrance Parade at Bowes Museum Cenotaph
Staff News
We now have a new addition to the team with Pilot Of cer Judith Brown successfully completing her basic training at Cramwell. Already we have been impressed with her dedication to the CCF.
Major Caroline Connor and WO1 Martyn Lewis both received a Lord Lieutenant’s Certi cate of Meritorious Service for their endless commitment to the CCF as Contingent Commander and SSI respectively.
With the CCF being a voluntary activity at School it would never run successfully without the dedicated SSI, WO1 Martyn Lewis and of cers in both the Army and RAF section who give up a huge amount of time on a weekly basis and in holidays to ensure that the cadets get the maximum opportunities out of the organisation. The adults work very hard and I am forever grateful for their devotion and enthusiasm.
Major Caroline Connor Contingent Commander