Page 173 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 173
Barnard Castle School CCF
Barnard Castle School is very proud of its CCF which seems to go from strength to strength each year. Cadets can join on a voluntary basis from year nine and at the last count the contingent strength was 191. The contingent has both an Army and RAF section and cadets parade on a Monday evening for 45 minutes. It has been another busy year for the CCF, which has included a number of range days, eld days, overnight exercises and contingent competitions to name but a few, so cadets have had ample opportunities to put into practice what they have learnt within the classroom.
Army Section
The academic year began with the large cohort of senior NCOs being given a brie ng on the Leadership Code, which outlined the importance of leading by example. With this information on board the NCOs have delivered some excellent lessons throughout the year and their endless commitment and dedication to the CCF has enabled it to ourish and grow.
regional manager, Jim Black, 23 cadets have now completed and passed the BTEC Level 2 Award in Personal Development and Teamwork. We are looking to enhance the cadet’s experience by offering an additional quali cation to the NCOs in Strategic management and Leadership which should enrich their personal statements.
Exercise Black Rat is an annual competition run by 4X Brigade at Whinny Hill training area in Catterick. This year, the 8-man team captained by Cadet RSM Kim Hodgson did well in the practical and theory based elements of the competition and achieved a gold standard for their APC knowledge.
The next event in the calendar was the Regional Cadet Indoor Shooting Competition, where the junior team achieved rst place in the Summers Bowl competition, having to complete a 10 round application shoot using Scorpion air ri es. Lance Corporal Max Rose also came rst individually with Cadet Owen Greaves as the runner up. The senior team did well, and were overall second in the Surtees Shield competition using the Anschutz ri e. Corporal Matthew Hannar shot exceptionally
Crate climbing
With the help and assistance of the BTEC well, but was just short of an individual medal.
Our rst formal dinner evening
New recruit cooking in the eld