Page 174 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 174
1st Look – The ever popular section competition
Forty members of the contingent led the procession through Barnard Castle during the Remembrance Day Parade; a very poignant event within the calendar for all military personnel. The new contingent standard (which was dedicated by the Lord Lieutenant, Sue Snowdon in 2014) was carried by Colour Serjeant Matthew Vickers and Cadet RSM Kim Hodgson laid the wreath at the cenotaph on behalf of the contingent.
The year 10 cadets who had just completed their GP ri e weapon handling cadre were put through their paces during their weapon eld day. After a morning of weapon revision, 46 cadets all success- fully passed their weapon handling tests which were delivered by Lt Henry Fairwood and Major Caroline Connor. The ten cadets who had impressed us the most with their slick weapon drills including Lance Corporals Emma Gedye, Georgie Rhodes and Hannah Booth had earned the opportunity to carry out some live ring on the ranges at Albemarle Barracks the following day.
The Tri-Service Climbing Competition was organised by the Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for the North of England (RFCA). The competition involved over 100 cadets from across the North East of England from the 3 different services: Army cadets, Air Cadets and Sea Cadets. Two of our cadets made it through to their respective nals; Corporal Sarah Graystone won the 15-17year old female category after ascending a very tricky chimney climb followed by a tricky 6B. Colour Serjeant Tom Carter also progressed to the nal of the 17+ males where he claimed the silver medal.
Mountain Biking
Thanks to the efforts of all six competitors Barnard Castle were crowned winners of the 15-17year-old category for the second year running.
The House Shooting Competition is an annual event where all members of the CCF re the Anschutz ri e in the school’s indoor range. With some excellent marksmanship principles, the overall top shot with 95/100 was Serjeant Matthew Shepherd.
12 cadets enjoyed a week’s adventure training at Abernethy, Barcapel in Scotland. The weather was exceptionally kind to us as they participated in an eclectic training programme, including high ropes, crate climb, mountain biking, canoeing and eating marshmallows round a re on the beach. The cadets were a credit to the contingent and Corporal Toby Newton was awarded the Hall Shield for being the star cadet of the week.
A new addition to the calendar was the CCF Formal Dinner. The evening gave the of cers an opportunity to say thank you to the senior NCOs for their endless commitment to the CCF, as well as saying a fond farewell to our Headmaster, Mr Alan Stevens as he leaves to take up another headship at Marlborough College, Malaysia at the end of the academic year. The evening was a huge success and a special mention must go to the North East of England Cadet Pipes and Drums from NCEA CCF for their musical accompaniments throughout the evening.
First aid is a very important part of the training programme and we often compete in the Brigade First Aid Competition. Corporal Tom Leeming was awarded the Royal Humane Society Resuscitation Certi cate after the rst aid skills he had learnt with the CCF enabled him to give his father mouth to mouth resuscitation after he collapsed at home. His father has since made a full recovery.