Page 205 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 205

preparation for Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE 2016. During the same exercise, Reconnaissance Platoon supported battalion training by developing enemy positions and leading ri e companies to their objec- tives. Behind the scenes, Signals Platoon practised their skills and developed methods to support dispersed battalion operations, while simultaneously minimizing the footprint of 3 PPCLI’s command post. Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE 2016 highlighted Combat Support Company’s ability to enhance 3 PPCLI’s capabilities. The platoons within Combat Support remained  exible throughout the exercise and conducted a myriad of different tasks in support of the battalion. Snipers, reconnaissance patrolmen, and signallers conducted airborne, airmobile, and dismounted operations throughout the province of Alberta. Snipers conducted High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) parachute insertions into CFB Cold Lake in support of Bravo Company. Recon- naissance patrolmen screened and developed a number of enemy positions while Signals Platoon managed to concurrently support dispersed battalion operations in an assigned area of opera- tions (AO) that covered well over 300 kilometres. Beyond Road to High Readiness and the support provided to 3 PPCLI, members of Combat Support Company brought great credit to the unit and the Canadian Armed Forces as a whole. Members of 3 PPCLI’s Reconnaissance Platoon won the 2016 HERCULES RAM Competition and were awarded a silver medal at the Canadian Patrol Concentration. Additionally, a detachment from 3 PPCLI’s Sniper Platoon competed in the Danish Army International Sniper Competition and placed 5th out of 33 inter- national teams, which included teams  elded by allied Special Operation Forces.
Also having a busy year, Administration Company worked tirelessly to support all assigned training and operations. During Exercise SPARTAN READY and Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE 2016, Administration Company’s ability to support the battalion was tested. Albeit, there were challenges incurred when conducting dispersed operations, Administration Company was able to  nd a way to deliver on all support requirements. Throughout the exercises, late night replenishment missions coincided with container deployment system (CDS) load prepa- rations in support of parachute operations, mobile kitchen teams (MKTs) deployed to remote areas in the training area to feed companies in austere
conditions, emergency speed balls were prepared and delivered by air to companies conducting forward interdiction operations, and mobile repair teams worked around the clock recovering vehicles to maintain a low vehicle off road (VOR). Virtually everyone in the company had multiple assigned tasks, as cooks, techs and maintainers alike. In addition to their normal duties, they were also heavily involved with security and driving tasks in the rear area. Due to quick turn-around opera- tions, companies being spread across vast areas, and a very high operational tempo, Administration Company was able to master virtually every method of resupply, recovery and maintenance support needed. This level of support continued throughout the battalion fall exercise on Exercise SPARTAN READY. Administration Company showcased its ability to support multiple lines of operation concur- rently. In a very demanding year, Administration Company worked determinedly to allow 3 PPCLI to achieve exceptional levels of ef ciency and opera- tional capability.
As the Battalion prepares to close out this eventful year, we will continue to support those who are currently deployed on Operation IMPACT, Operation ADDENDA, and Operation CROCODILE. Our soldiers stand ready for whatever the Government of Canada might ask of us in 2017, ready to deploy to the world’s hotspots to confront whatever tasks that lie ahead.
Written by: Captain Mike Tsui. Photos by: same as above
Sniper Platoon conducting high angle shoots with various weapon systems
Charlie Company disembarks from a CH-147 Chinook during Exercise ORION STRIKE

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