Page 206 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 206
The Buffalo Volunteer Ri es
OC BVR Lt Col M Cock and RSM Hermanus visit BVR of cers at command and control vehicle during the funeral of Nelson Mandela
BVR troops on parade June 2017 on the occasion of the re- opening of the renovated HQ and drill hall
External rear restorations, building, memorial and muzzle loading cannon and eld gun. (These guns were used during the frontier wars by the British Army)
Headquarters, The Buffalo Volunteer Ri es, P O Box 773, East London, 5200, Rep of South Africa
Regrettably it has been some time since we have submitted an article to The Bugle. We extend Regimental greetings to all at The Ri es and it is a pleasure to share some of the activities and news regarding The Buffalo Volunteer Ri es over the past year or two.
On retirement Lt Col Malcolm Cock JCD handed over command to Lt Col F.R. Shweni at an impressive Handing over parade during April 2014, at Selborne College sports grounds. Lt Col Shweni had formally served in the First City Regiment and was originally from the Transkei Defence Force. He had no sooner taken over command when he had to arrange for the regimental HQ complex to be completely vacated to make way for, complete renovations of the complex, which took place over a period of two years. This was not an easy task and the regiment had to share part of the Logistics base at Woodbrook. Over and above this task he was tasked to mobilise a force to be deployed on our national borders. He and the majority of the members spent six months on active service and returned back home a few months ago. Regrettably the regiment lost one member who died while on service.
The 24th June, 2017 was a red letter day in the annals of the history of the 142 year old Regiment. The main functionary Major General R. Maphwanya SM, MM, MMM, MMB, OMM performed the honour of of cially opening the restored 131 year old Regimental HQ complex. It was a very proud moment for the Of cer Commanding Lt Col F.R. Shweni as well as the men and women of the Regiment to be able to move back into the fully restored HQ.
All the dignitaries then followed for a conducted tour of the regimental museum by the museum curator Maj (ret) A.J. Step. During the tour of the museum it was mentioned that phase one re-display of memorabilia was almost complete and phase two would start soon to recognise the important part in our history played by the Xhosa Kings, Chiefs and the indigenous people of the region, who played a signi cant role of resistance during the struggle against land dispossession.
In the evening a semi-formal dinner was held at the Drill Hall with the main functionary Maj Gen R. Maphwanya GOC SA Army Inf Formation, giving the address. Other distinguished invited guests were representatives of: Director Policy and Planning (Res) Brig Gen (Dr) G. Kamffer SM, MMM, DWD. Reserve Force Council, Director Force Prep SA Army Inf Form, SSO Director Army Reserves, SSO Mot South SA Army Inf Fmn, Fmn Sergeant Major, BCMM Hon Exec Mayor representative, Rharabe Kingdom representative.
A most enjoyable evening was had by all with three former regimental OC’s as well as a groups of past and serving members. The Dinner was well supported by a contingent of Moth ex servicemen. Maj (Retd) A. J. Step
Museum Curator/ Historian The Buffalo Volunteer Ri es