Page 226 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 226
He was predeceased by his beloved wife Maureen, and is survived by his three children, eight grandchildren, and ten great-grand- children.
NOTLEY, Bob. Died April 2017 whilst in a care home. Bob served in Malaya and Borneo.
PALEY, Brian. Died 31 August 2016. Served as a Corporal in 1DLI in Berlin and in the signal platoon in Korea. Also former chairman of Consett and Stanley DLI Association Branch and he attended meetings of the Gateshead and Newcastle Branch of the DLI Association. Brian leaves 4 children and their families.
PEAT, David Stephen, born 9 February 1932 sixth son and the youngest of Captain Charles Urie Peat MC MP of Wycliffe Hall Barnard Castle, MP for Darlington. Educated
at Sedbergh School and eligible to claim exemption from National Service to pursue
a career in agriculture he opted for the Army. After a period in the Brigade squad
at Caterham he was recommended for a commission in his father’s Regiment, The Durham Light Infantry. With his friend from Eaton Hall, John Crubb they were commis- sioned together on 28 March 1953 and reported to the DLI Depot at Brancepeth Castle.
They sailed on HMT “Empire Orwell” and were expected to disembark in Hong Kong for further training with the 1st Bn RUR but on arrival were sent straight to Korea. They reported to Lt Col P J Jeffreys DSO OBE, CO of DLI on 7 June 1953 at BHQ on Pt 355. David was soon on standing and ghting patrols at night which were characteristic of his OC Major Tresawana. He was on patrol on the 11/12 June when at dawn Major Tresawana was ambushed and killed whilst shepherding his patrols through the protective barbed wire and mine elds. The ghting stopped on 27 July 1953 when the Armistice was signed. Shortly before that date David had sustained a shoulder injury and was evacuated to the British General Hospital in Kure. He was later evacuated to Cambridge Hospital in Aldershot and onto Headley Court. He was demobbed in 1954. He had further service in the TA from 11 August 1954 to 17 January 1959.
David took up a place at the Royal Agriculture College Cirencester. He married in September 1954 and acquired 250 acres of arable and dairy farm at Wycliffe Grange near Barnard Castle. He later became Chairman of Darlington NFU and of North Riding and Durham County Branch NFU and then Director of Farmway Co-op, a post he held for 23 years. He was a County Concillor for Durham 1972-79 and appointed a General Commissioner of Tax in 1979, continuing in that role until 2002.
He was married to Jane, formerly Allen and had three sons and a daughter.
PRESTON, James Howard. Born 24 March 1926. Died on 29 April 2017. James served in the KOYLI during WW2 then reenlisted in 1948 in the 1st Battalion DLI.
PRINS, David was born in Hartlepool on 7 June 1946 and became a boy Soldier in September1961 before joining his county regiment the Durham Light Infantry. During his time with the DLI he saw service in UK, Cyprus Denmark, Hong Kong, and Borneo.
In 1968 after the disbandment of the DLI David moved and joined 2LI where he continued his regular army service lling many different appointments including J/NCO PTI, Mortarman, serving in UK, BAOR, N. Ireland until his discharge in November 1976.
In 1983 after his break from the Army the call of the Bugle was again answered and David re-joined into the Territorial Army enrolling into the 7th Battalion (DLI) The Light Infantry where he continued to serve the regiment in many different appointments including: Mortar Pl NCO, Bn Provo SGT, before nally C/Sgt Of cers Mess Caterer
for many years until his nal discharge in March 1999.
David will be remembered by both Of cers and Ri emen alike for his great sense of humour and wiliness to help anyone in all situa- tions. He was a true Light Infantryman who could always be relied upon to bring out the very best from those around him. He will be
sadly missed. David died on 8 April 2017
PRUDHOE, Arthur. Died June 2016.(Reported by Brian Laverick).
ROBINSON, Charles Mark. Charles Mark Robinson was born in 1934 and passed away on 25 November 2016 aged 82 years old. Charlie had lived in Oxford for most of his life but his last 24 years in Aston and Carterton. He had been an apprentice mechanic at Paines Engineering, nishing his career with BMW of Oxford. His career was interrupted with his National Service as 22738545 Pte Robinson in the Durham Light Infantry serving in Hong Kong, Korea and Egypt.
He had three vocational interests, y
shing, WW1 and gardening. He toured France and Belgium with friends Tony, Mick, Don and Denis to map out the course of World War One on numerous occasions.
Charlie had a sharp mind and was extremely talented. His carvings, drawings and conversation always brought these talents to the fore. He never suffered illnesses and only a short period in hospital in his nal weeks. He reached the grand old age of 82. His Granddaughter Keelee became his carer during his hospitalised weeks.
Charlie leaves his wife Pamela Anne after 58 years of marriage, also sons John and Will, Grandchildren Daniel, Jade, Keelee, Wayne and Faye, Great Grandchildren Archie, Amelia, Oliver, Freddie, Robinson, Chaise and Haley. Much loved by them all.
SLATER, Norman (Sammy). Died Saturday 13 May 2017. Sammy joined 1LI in 1969 and served for 3 years before joining 2LI where he carried various roles nishing after over 22 years with the rank of Sgt. He spent many tours in Northern Ireland with both battalions and detached to others in a specialist role completing over 3 years and 9 months in the provice.
THORNBY, John. Died 24 November 2017. John was the oldest member of Washington Branch, he served with DLI. John was an Of cers Mess Waiter.
WATSON, Colin. Died 1 April 2017.
WHITE, John, John was born in Darlington in 1941. He died on 1 December 2016 in Evesham at the age of 75. He served in the DLI Pioneers in the 1960’s.
Died March 2017.
Bob served in 1DLI in Colchester.