Page 228 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 228
The Standards marching past during the Reunion
The Shrouds of The Somme in Exeter with Alan Hincke and Paul McCullagh who were among those who helped lay them out
WO2 Mike Amor receiving his President’s Award
The march passed the VIPs outside the Guildhall, with the salute being taken by the Lord-Lieutenant of Devon accompanied by the Lord Mayor. Then a hollow square was formed in front of the Cathedral ready for the inspection and Drumhead Service. Despite the threatening weather there followed the President’s Awards for those who have contributed extensively to the Association for prolonged periods. This year the worthy recipients included Mike Amor who has been a member of the Regimental Associ- ation Committee for a number of years, speci cally as Webmaster specialising in setting up a strong presence on electronic media and maintaining the website. Given that he still has a full-time job as an Army Recruiter, his efforts on behalf of the Associ- ation are all the more praiseworthy.
The parade was then fallen out just before the rain fell in earnest and everyone made their way to the Corn Exchange for beer, buffet and chat. The conclusion of the day (and next morning!) was the
Reunion After Party organised by the Exeter Branch in the nearby White Ensign Club which remains a popular way of concluding the function.
The following month many members of the Association were involved in laying out the display of 19,240 small shrouded gures representing all those who died on the rst day of the Battle of the Somme. To mark the centenary of the beginning of the Battle, local artist Rob Heard meticulously wrapped and bound each 12-inch gure in a hand-stitched shroud before crossing off the name of the soldier represented on his master list of the fallen provided by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. This was a most moving event which concluded on 7th July with a memorable closing ceremony led by the Lord Mayor and during which Major Arthur Norman-Walker read the well-known poem ‘Before Action’ written by Lieutenant Noel Hodgson MC of the Devonshire Regiment. The display was laid out in Northernhay Gardens, Exeter, and received
Brigadier Richard Toomey and the Lord Mayor of Exeter inspecting the Devon ACF Guard