Page 227 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 227
The Ri es Of ce, Devon
In addition to the many events which have taken place during the period there has been a constant fund-raising effort in order to erect a Regimental Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum. Rather to the surprise of many, the total sum raised from donations had surpassed the initial target by the end of the year, thanks to the generosity of a number of Corporate and Public Service donors, not to mention the hundreds of individuals from within and outside the Regimental Association. All donors will be listed in a book which is being specially produced and which will be on display in the Keep Military Museum. The artist, Vivian Mallock, is producing the three life-sized bronze statues while the stonemasons, Phoenix Ltd from Ferndown in Dorset, are producing the engraved stonework. The statues represent a member of the Devonshire Regiment during the First World War, a Dorset in the Far East during the Second World War and a Devon and Dorset in Northern Ireland. Hopefully the project will have been completed by the time this edition of The Bugle is published, with the Dedication Ceremony planned for 17th September. Many fund-raising events were held during the period, including one during Armed Forces weekend in Exeter, attended by the Lord Mayor.
Back with the more routine news, on the third Friday of each month there is a short ‘page turning’ ceremony in the Regimental Chapel in Sherborne Abbey. At the ceremony on 18th March the Gillingham Branch presented the Vicar of Sherborne, Canon Eric Woods, with a cheque for the Abbey in recognition of the support provided over the years to both the Dorset Regiment and the Devon and Dorsets.
Also in March a number of former Devon and Dorsets visited Malta. This was more than just a holiday because the 1st Battalion had been stationed on the island from 1970-71 and there was a wish to visit old haunts and St Andrews Barracks, their former base, in particular. The barracks have subsequently been converted into ats but the outside of the buildings remained much as it had done all those years ago, although memories could not accurately stretch to decide which company had been based in which block.
Saturday 21st May dawned ominously overcast
with heavy drizzle, as Devon and Dorsets from the length and breadth of Britain, and from abroad, made their way to Exeter for the annual Regimental Reunion. This was the tenth reunion since the formation of The Ri es in 2007 and there is a well tried, tested and popular format. The day commenced with the Annual General Meeting to be followed by the highlight – the march through Exeter. This was a most stirring event,
and more than 200 members were on parade; a magni cent showing. The Devon Army Cadet Force Corps of Drums and Regimental Standards led the way, with the main body split into two guards. As ever, a hugely warm reception was received from the people of Exeter. A few members managed to extract themselves from The Ship Inn in time to give a rousing cheer as the parade passed – they may make it onto the parade next year!
Members of the Regimental Association at St Andrews Barracks, Malta
Clay maquette of the Regimental Memorial
The Lord Mayor of Exeter attending the memorial fund-raising stand on Armed Forces Day