Page 250 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 250

Wiltshire Regiment Old Comrades Gathering in Devizes Market Square
FEROZESHAH – The WILTS Regimental Day Service 4th December 2016
On the 4th December 2016, Lieutenant Colonel Norman Minty collected 100 members of the Ri es & RGBW Regimental Association and their guests who gathered in the Wyvern Club Devizes to celebrate the fourth annual Ferozeshah Gathering. Standards were marched to the Regimental Chapel, St James’ Southbroom and a Service led by The Venerable Alan Jeans, Archdeacon of Sarum & Honorary Chaplain to the Association. The collection, generously given, allowed £300.00 to be donated to the National Memorial Arboretum charity
A convivial lunch was then taken in the Wyvern Club and all vowed to return for the 172nd Anniversary of the Battle in December 2017.
[Historical Note: Ferozeshah, 22nd December 1845, was the second battle of the First Sikh War. Major General Gough, pursuing the Sikh Army after the inconclusive victory at Modkee (18 Dec), was determined to bring Lal Singh to battle whilst a second Sikh Army was occupied elsewhere. Following an artillery duel which the Sikhs had the better of, Gough launched a frontal attack occasioning heavy losses, particularly the 62nd Foot (Wiltshire Regiment) which lost all its of cers yet with the Regimental Colours handed to SNCOs continued forward, broke the Sikh lines, spiked the artillery and withdrew in good order. Ferozeshah has been the WILTS and, subsequently, the DERR Regimental Day since 1846.]
Mr Fran Cowley, Cornettist
GATHERINGS 2016-2017
The annual Rhythm was not affected with the  SALISBURY Gathering 1st & 2nd July
Reunions following their traditional programmes.
The third Gathering was the RGBW Salisbury Reunion weekend on 1st & 2nd July. This was a week earlier than usual due to availability of the South Wilts GC for the Association Dinner & Dance on the Saturday night. Nevertheless, 97 members of the RGBW Of cers’ Club sat down to lunch in the Wardrobe Garden. In the evening, 53 members and guests of the Association attended the Dinner and Dance at the South Wilts GC with 98 attending the Drumhead Service, the parade, both supported by the Shrewton Silver Band whose DOM is Mick Durnford ex Bandmaster DERR, and lunch in the Wardrobe on the Sunday. The change from the traditional dates meant that the Honorary Padre was at the General Synod so the Ri es Honorary Padre, the Reverend Colin Fox led the worship. Five Standards were laid on the drums; wreaths to all RGBW Forming regiments were laid on the Regimental stèles by Major Simon Cook, Dennis Croome, Simon Dyer and Bill Sharman. General Sir Kevin O’Donoghue KCB CBE read the Lesson and presented the Association President’s Certi cate to Dennis Croome, Bournemouth Branch.
The Shrewton Silver Band then led 46 Old Comrades, commanded by Colonel Mike Cornwell OBE, in a march around Chorister’s Green to the “Farmer’s Boy”. General Sir Kevin O’Donoghue KCB CBE took the salute with the Honorary Chaplain. The subsequent buffet lunch and bar was most welcome to the Old Comrades, their wives and Guests.
DEVIZES Gathering 4th June 2017
The second Gathering took place in Devizes 4th June. The smaller numbers attending (54) re ected some communication issues that meant a late publi- cation of the date. Those attending congregated in the Market Place Devizes at 1200hrs and the Standards were then marched to St Johns Church. The Venerable Alan Jeans led the Remembrance Service which was supported by the St John’s Choir. Following the Service, everyone moved to the Devizes and Roundway War Memorial where a wreath was laid in memory of the soldiers of the Wiltshire Regiment and Fran Cowley (WILTS Regimental Band), at the ripe age of 90 years, sounded Last Post and Reveille. The smaller numbers sitting down for the ensuing lunch in the Devizes Town Hall that continues to enjoy the sponsorship of Wadworth Brewery and Annie’s Catering, made for an intimate and highly enjoyable occasion.

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