Page 251 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 251
MAIWAND Weekend Gathering 22nd & 23rd July 2017
“History does not afford any grander or ner instance of gallantry and devotion to Queen and country than that displayed by the 66th Regiment at the Battle of Maiwand on the 27th July 1880.”
General Primrose
The Battle of Maiwand on 27th July 1880 was commemorated by the Ri es & RGBW Regimental Association in Reading over the weekend of 22nd & 23rd July. It was disappointing that the annual parade and Service of Remembrance led by Reverend Keri Eynon before the Maiwand Lion in Forbury Gardens and the Reading AGM clashed with The Ri es Association inaugural Gathering in North London for numbers were down on previous years. Nevertheless, the Parade did attract a small crowd who were given a Flyer explaining what the occasion was: the Battle of Maiwand, the action of the Berkshire Regiment and, therefore, the ‘prove- nance’ of the Maiwand Lion Memorial and its emotional link to the Old Comrades on parade.
The Dave Windsor Disco and singer Kitty Mazinsky again provided lively entertainment on the Saturday evening.
The Church Parade before the Cenotaph in Brock Barracks took place in good weather on the Sunday morning in the presence of 100 Associ- ation members, families and friends. Sadly, ill health prevented Major General Derek Crabtree attending this year. Colonel Michael Vernon-Powell read the Lesson; Reverend Keri Eynon again led the worship; and Wreaths to the Fallen of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Royal Regiment and the RGBW were laid.
The Parade following the Service was led by the Association Chairman, Colonel Michael Cornwell OBE and Colonel Desmond Redding took the salute. The Gathering concluded with whistles being wetted and the inner man sustained in the Dragon Club.
The nal step in the Disposal of Surplus DERR Chattels took place on 24th January. The Lots went under the hammer in a public auction with Woolley & Wallis in Salisbury. The interest was mixed but a tad over £10,000 gross was realised which after expenses saw £9,407.20 credited to the Regimental Accounts.
Separately, The RGBW Trustees authorised the Grant of 9x Silver Bugles to the Light Division Bugles Association. The Bugles Association already has 11x Silver Bugles on Long Loan which were refur- bished by the Trust; these nal 9, though in need of both refurbishment and some TLC, will be repaired by the Bugle Association.
The members of the Light Division Bugles Associ- ation are retired Regimental Buglers who have retained their high standard of blowing and continue to Sound at Engagements across Europe. Tasking a serving Bugler today is dif cult and the Association is a valuable asset to County Of ces as they will Sound for Reunions, funerals, Civic Engagements individually or in support of the Ri es Band & Bugles. The DERR Silver Bugles may now be widely seen and not gathering dust in the Salisbury Of ce.
On the 5th October 2016, following 3 years of pains- taking forensic work by the Dutch military authorities in concert with Lieutenant Colonel David Chilton, the remains of LCpl Noble and Pte Lewis 4WILTS were re-interred in Oosterbeek cemetery with full military honours. 5RIFLES provided an Honour Guard , Bearer Party and Bugler and. along with a party of 8 assorted Wiltshire men led by Brigadier PEO’R Davidson-Houston CBE, President of the Ri es & RGBW Regimental Association, saw these soldiers properly laid to Rest.
Jeff Matthews the Wiltshire Regimental focus point again travelled to Holland to deepen the relationships that the Regiment has and, particularly, Jeff has developed. His visit started in LOCHEM where he was instrumental in having a bridge named after the Regiment then attending a Remembrance Service at the 4th & 5th WILTS Memorial in Schuyt- graaf, another memorial that he was personally involved in developing before ending the trip visiting the graves of Noble, Lewis and other soldiers in Oosterbeek CWGC Cemetery.
General Sir Kevin O’Donoghue presenting the President’s Certi cate to Mr Denis Croome
The Future
The glass ball oscillates between cloud and sunshine. The County Secretary is to retire wef 31 October and will hand over all responsibilities as Regional Secretary. Wiltshire is to be ‘moved’ The Ri es Region (London & South) and fall into the remit of the Ri es Regional Colonel (GL). Left with the single County, his responsibilities will, undoubtedly, attract other Ri es portfolios. Today, the location of his successor is unclear: it could remain in Winchester, move to Abingdon or Reading. Sue Nelmes will remain at RHQ as the AO Salisbury but with increasing RHQ roles. It has, indeed, been a year of the best and worst times, a roller coaster of a year and the challenge remains to ensure that the Ri es & RGBW Regimental Association Secretary has ALL the tools necessary to manage the Regimental Association and stay in support for as long as possible.