Page 278 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 278
The Ri es Regional Of ce North & Midlands (Pontefract)
3 RIFLES exercise the Freedom of Dewsbury
Memorial Service – York Minster
The service took place on the 1st of October 2016 and was attended by 120 people from across the Ri es Family.
Padre Andrew Martlew of ciated. He produced a very moving service undeterred by broken down coaches and late arrivals. Peter Bate provided bugle support which literally stopped all activaties within the Minster.
The service was followed by a lunch at the Guild Hall providing an opportunity to exchange stories, catch up with old friends and view a maquette of the KOYLI Memorial.
RIFLES Mini “Tour de Yorkshire”
A series of events took place in The Ri es traditional areas of Yorkshire during the latter part of April. The events were so well anticipated that some cyclists organised their Tour de Yorkshire directly afterwards.
After a lapse of a few years it was time to reaf rm our commitment to the community we serve, celebrate the 10th Anniversary of The Ri es and herald the formation of 8 RIFLES.
C Coy 3 RIFLES, The Band & Bugles of the Ri es supported by D (Ri es) Coy and E (Ri es) Coy ACF took part in four events across West and South Yorkshire that put The Ri es on the map.
The Band & Bugles led by ADOM Lt Bethan Waters and supported by veteran & cadet buglers charmed the young musicians of Wake eld with their musical prowess and enthusiasm for anything that made a noise. The combined “Orchestra for a Night”
rehearsed and then performed a concert for parents and friends which de niteley got toes tapping.
All indications are that The Corps of Army Music is looking good to Wake eld’s young musicians.
An overcast sky did not detract from the spectacle of the Band & Bugles leading C Coy 3 RIFLES on to parade in the Civic Quarter of Doncaster, where they were inspected by The Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire and the Civic Mayor of Doncaster, who took the time to chat to the Ri emen on parade. The 1948 Regimental Colour of the 4th Bn KOYLI was handed over for safe-keeping to The Mayor by Maj (Retd) Andrew Penny Chairman of the Association Trustees. Interestingly the last time this Colour was on parade was 1962, and it had been carried by the then 2Lt now Colonel Brian Denney who was present to watch the parade. After the parade in the true Yorkshire tradition of “keeping it real” the parade was served with bacon sandwiches while they chatted to the civic dignitaries.
No tour would be complete without at least one Sounding of Retreat. This year’s display took place at Minden House Pontefract. The weather was not perfect but stayed dry just long enough to allow the Retreat to be performed while providing a good reason for the band to wear their capes.
The Band was supported by the Minden Bugles & Drums of the ACF and Veteran Buglers who performed in front of a very high pro le audience before joining the main Band for the nalé. The salute was taken by Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire.
The verdict on the night from a very keen eyed audience was one of the best displays they had seen.
The culmination of the tour was exercising The Freedom of Dewsbury. Over 170 were on parade from the four pillars of the Ri es commanded by Maj Simon Greenman and watched by the fth pillar, the community we serve.
The Parade included the dedication of the Centenary Stone for Sjt John Ormsby VC and Pte Horace Waller VC both from the Dewsbury area and who served in KOYLI during the First World War. After the Parade the Kings Colour of the 4th Bn KOYLI was presented for safe-keeping to the people of Dewsbury.
Lt Colin Robin Smith leads the troops onto parade