Page 279 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 279
Ri es Light Infantry & KOYLI
Regimental Association Of ce Yorkshire
It has been a busy 12 months in the Regimental Association Of ce and during the same period a sad time, as the obituaries later in this publication will bear witness to the large number of members we have said our goodbyes to – RIP brothers Cede Nullis.
The highlight of the Association’s annual events was the Minden Day Reunion hosted, at short notice, by Wake eld Branch in the Army Reserve Centre. They organised a cracking night with KOYLI members from Scotland to Devon making the journey to Yorkshire. The Mayor of Wake eld was the principal guest. He was presented with a print of the KOYLI plaque that is in what used to be the Council Chamber of Wake eld Council. Well done to the Branch Secretary Frank Morris and the Branch members.
Several Association members along with the County Secretary made the journey to Madeley near Telford to take part in the unveiling ceremony of the centenary stone for Major CAL Yate VC KOYLI on 26 August 2017 the 100th anniversary of the action that earned him the VC. Our Association members and KOYLI Standard Bearer were joined by local KSLI, LI & Ri es Standard Bearers and Association members, the Mayoress of Madeley and members of the towns council. On the way, back to Yorkshire they called in at Shrewsbury for a visit to the KSLI Regimental Museum. They were welcomed by the staff including John “Fred” Taylor ex 2LI.
The Chairman of the Branches, Gerry Delany and Association Secretary, Colin Cranswick, have endeavoured to involve the Association in new and interesting events to show that the Association is very much still in existence. In September, they organised
a trip to the All Services Remembrance Parade held in Eden Camp, a modern history-themed museum. 54 members and their partners enjoyed the day out which for the rst time at the event saw the KOYLI, LI, and RIFLES Regimental Standards, carried by: Brian Clayton; Colin Cranswick and Steve Drew, take part in the Parade of Standards and the Associ- ation members take part on mass in the parade of Veterans.
11 members made the pilgrimage to Westminster Abbey, in November, for the opening of the Field of Remembrance. After opening the Field of Remem- brance their Royal Highnesses Prince Phillip and Prince Harry toured the various Regimental Plots speaking with the Plot Reps and the members the regimental associations.
Col Gerry Delany, Cllr Harry Ellis and members of 51st (2nd Yorkshire, West Riding) Light Infantry at Minden Day Reunion 2016
KOYLI and KSLI Associations join forces at Major CAL Yate VC centenary stone unveiling