Page 280 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 280
Stalwart of the Association George Hodgson, Shef eld Branch Secretary, at Eden Camp
During the last week of April C Coy 3 RIFLES exercised the RIFLES Freedom Rights, which were originally granted to the KOYLI, with a mini Freedom Parade in Doncaster, South Yorkshire and a traditional Freedom Parade in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire both of which involved the Association. Standard Bearers parading the Doncaster and Pontefract KOYLI Standards to ank the framed 4KOYLI Regimental Colour which was presented on loan to the Mayor and the citizens of Doncaster. On Saturday 29 April, it was the turn of Dewsbury to resound to the sound of marching troops and the Band and Bugles during a traditional Freedom Parade. The combined Regimental Association and the RGJ Association guard included for the rst time a female Association member. Maxine Jordan a member of Pontefract Branch who
served with 8LI and is the Ri es County Of ce (Yorkshire) Civil Service AO. Colonel Robin Smith led the Association cohort, their ages ranging from mid 50s to late 80s, proved themselves to be not only a credit to the Association but they also lived up to and exempli ed the Regimental Mottos of the KOYLI, “Cede Nullis”, and the Ri es, “Swift and Bold” as they completed the full route of the march around Dewsbury at our regimental pace. Respect to each one of the members.
The unveiling of a memorial to the fallen of WWI and WWII in the Dewsbury cemetery that is the nal resting place of 15 KOYLI soldiers and of Sgt John Ormsby VC MM, was attended by Associ- ation members and Standard Bearers from all our branches. The Friends of Dewsbury Cemetery, who raised all the money for the memorial called “More Than Just a Name”, wrote a letter thanking the Association for supporting the parade and they especially mentioned the immaculately turned out Association Standard Bearers: Adi Waites; Brian Clayton; Paul Sco eld; Tim Humphreys; Colin Cranswick.
While many of the Association members made the pilgrimage to Shrewsbury for the LI and Ri es Reunion weekend Colonel Gerry Delany and his sons, Brian Clayton and Steve Drew were manning the Association gazebo at the Wake eld and Pontefract Armed Forces Day. A week later the Association gazebo was in Leeds for their Armed Forces Day. Maxine and Colin were assisted by members of West Leeds Branch who also took part in the Veterans parade.
In closing we make an appeal to all Light Infan- trymen and Ri emen. The Regimental Association needs your urgent support, particularly in Shef eld and Doncaster, to come along and support your association – We Need You. Contact the County Of ce staff for further information.
Steve Drew Pontefract Branch at the Opening of the Field of Remembrance Westminster
Association Guard ending the Freedom of Dewsbury “route march”