Page 44 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 44

1 RIFLES have historically been very strong when it comes to all things running and this year has been no exception. Commitments have unfor- tunately meant the cross country season took a back-seat, but this allowed the running team to focus on the road season; a new discipline for the team.
With some quiet con dence, the team arrived in Abingdon for the Army Marathon Championships. The course is well-known as being  at and fast; perfect for setting PBs. This was re ected in the performance of the team. CSjt Bell  nished 8th in a time of 2.45, 2Lt George Fisher 2.54, Capt Gaz Crossley 2.56, and Maj Matt Forde in 3.10. The strength of the performance saw 1 RIFLES being crowned the Army Marathon Unit Champions for the  rst time.
the return of Lt Joe Fellows, LCpl Wood and Rfn Woodman meant the team were able to approach the Championship with some justi able assur- edness.
Lt Fellows promised a strong performance, and so it proved. Despite still being on the 1 RIFLES PJNCO cadre (he reckons as an instructor), Lt Fellows  nished in a highly impressive 1.14, placing 5th across the entire service. CSjt Bell, not far behind, came in at 1.16. Capt Crossley rounded out the Bn’s top 3,  nishing in 1.17. Other notable performers included Lt Fisher in 1.21 and LCpl Wood in 1.24. Rfn Woodman, Maj Forde, and Capt Dishman all  nished in the Army’s top 50, capping a highly successful and satisfying performance from the team. Perhaps unsurpris- ingly, the team were crowned the Army Half-Mar- athon Champions, too.
In a  tting conclusion to the season, Maj Forde, Capt Crossley, Lt Fisher and CSjt Bell were all selected to represent the Army at the subsequent London Marathon.
Capt Aaron Dishman,
After such success, the team turned their
attention to the Half-Marathon Championships in
Fleet. The Army half-marathon also acts as the
of cial half-marathon for the London Marathon,
falling as it does at the halfway point for those on
the 12 week training programme. This results in a
large, strong, and competitive  eld. Regardless,  Int Offr
Road Cycling Club and Ex BUGLE BERG
In another busy, challenging but rewarding period for 1 RIFLES cycling team, Sgt Maj Jones became the Army 2016 Army Time Trial champion and Maj Hunt became the 2016 Army Road Race Champion. Cpl Bodley, having been mentored and trained by Maj Hunt and Sgt Maj Jones, was selected for a well-earned spot on the Army Cycling Development Team. Due to the decrease in numbers within the team, the main effort this year was to identify and develop new talent and this was achieved with an additional four new riders of varied abilities joining the team. The Bn have also secured 6 Mountain Bikes which have already been put to good use in the Army MTB series and local trails.
The winter period ranged from countless hours within the Watt-Bike room, to bracing the cold harsh weather conditions outdoors. Maj Hunt took the lead with three sessions a week of structured progression training. When in camp, Wednesday would see a full team ride out over 21⁄2 to 4 hours in the local Welsh hills and valleys, with Tuesdays and Fridays reserved for ‘Pain-Cave’ sessions on Watt-Bike. In order to fully prepare 1 RIFLES Cycling Team for the upcoming race season it was established they would hold a week long cycling exercise in Holland and Belgium (Ex BUGLE BERG) where a total of
747km were cycled over 6 days. The team fortu- nately got to stay with the same host as the previous year’s exercise and received a very warm welcome. Having been there before, this enabled the team to settle in with ease and get on with cycling without any problems. Results are already stacking up:
Infantry Championships
Sjt Maj Jones  rst, Cpl Churchill third, team champions.
Army A League Race 8
Maj Hunt  rst (in the  rst road race of the season).
National 100 mile Time Trial championships
Maj Hunt national Veterans Champion (11th overall).
Cpl G Dagnell
Ex BUGLE BERG, the team rolling out of Liege with 200km ahead
Army MTB Round Five with Majs Hunt, Taylor, Rfn Robins, and CSjt Collier

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