Page 45 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 45

Nordic Ski Team 16/17 Season
The 2016/17 Nordic Ski Season saw the predominantly same team back-up the previous year’s success, of reaching the Army Finals for the  rst time, with an impressive set of results at Corps, Divisional and Tri-Service levels. As a team they began by winning every race and were crowned Infantry champions with a very dominant set of races which included  ne individual performances from Lt Fellows who won the 20km Classic discipline and Rfn Young who took home the top Junior award. Progressing to Divisional level the quality of competition increased but the team
managed to qualify outright for the Tri-Services Finals by  nishing fourth overall winning the top Combat Unit award. The Army and Tri-Services Finals in Ruhpolding, Germany, saw the team pit themselves against the very best across all three services and national athletes in Britain. They improved on the 16th overall  nish of last year to achieve a top ten placing this season, again winning the best Infantry unit prize. Overall the team returned with  ve trophies and Rfn Young achieving reselection as the only Infantryman to join the Army’s Biathlon Development Squad for another year of training.
Lt Joe Fellows, OC 4 Platoon
The Nordic ski team being congratulated on another  ne performance
Alpine Ski Team 16/17 Season
The winter season this year has been one of the most successful yet for the 1 RIFLES Alpine Ski Team competing at all three championships in Val d’Isere, Les Contamines and Serre Chevalier. The Infantry Championships in Val d’Isere saw the team train for 5 weeks and go on to take silver in both the individual and team competitions. Special mentions must go to Cpl Lewis and Lt Creed for making the Infantry team this year giving the Battalion a strong name in Alpine skiing. The Div Championships in Les Contamines were a great opportunity for the team to show their capability competing against the top Army skiers. Unfortu- nately Lt Creed’s Downhill crash was to be the end of his skiing season but this did not phase Cpl Lewis and Lt Fisher who both went on to qualify for the Army Championships in Serre Chevalier where the Battalion contributed to the most successful Infantry team in 15 years, taking home gold.
Lt Alec Creed, 2ic C Coy
Lt Fisher on the downhill
The Alpine ski team in Val d’Isere

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