Page 46 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 46

Following their return from Op SHADER 3.5 in January, 24 Ri emen from across the Battalion, led by A Company, enjoyed a week of Alpine skiing adventurous training. The expedition travelled to the picturesque French resort of Val Thorens from 4 to 11 Mar 17 to undertake the Ski Foundation (SF) 1 and 2 courses. The aim of the expedition was to reward the Ri emen for their hard work during Op SHADER with a chance to unwind in a fun and challenging environment.
On the Exped we had a group of eight complete novices getting the opportunity to try Alpine skiing for the  rst time. Under the resilient coaching of our civilian instructor Danny, they battled to master the demanding skill of walking in ski boots and the perilous snow plough. Against the odds, the entire group successfully passed SF1 and were hooked on the sport.
The second group had some limited experience in skiing but with the daily tuition from their instructor from 6 RIFLES, their individual skills skyrocketed beyond expectation seeing them surpass the basic course and gain the SF2 quali cation. This was a huge achievement by all Ri emen within the group.
The  nal group saw veterans of Ex Frosted Blade and previous SF2 holders battle it out for supremacy. However, all were thrown off balance by the introduction of ski touring and the ventures of going off-piste, binding these rival factions together. With a new string to their bow this next generation of potential ski leaders are now only one more quali cation away from starting their  rst ski instructor course.
Lt Jamie Robertson OC 2 Platoon
The novice exped skiers
Of cers’ Mess
It has been an eventful year for the Of cers’ Mess. With numerous disparate deployments across the globe, we are at last beginning to reconsolidate as a Mess, welcoming new members and saying farewell to others.
With much of the Mess deployed overseas, the decision was made to share our summer function with our paired Battalion of 6 RIFLES. After an enjoyable afternoon in Chepstow consisting of summer games (and some particularly compet- itive Pimms fuelled croquet), the Mess descended upon 6 RIFLES in Bristol. The long afternoon swiftly turned to evening with a well-coordinated dinner and drinks, and perhaps less coordinated dancing from the 1 RIFLES subalterns. Overall, it was a pleasure to be hosted by 6 RIFLES and we hope to reciprocate at our next function.
Op SHADER was the task that saw most of the
Mess deployed at one point or another over the 16 months that the Battalion was committed. This culminated in the spring of 2017, with the Mess able to celebrate at a SHADER dinner night, where our new friends from other regiments and capbadges were able to join us. It was a  tting end to a long deployment that saw good company from across the Army reunited over good food. In spite of Maj Richardson’s karaoke, the evening was a great success.
Most recently, the Of cers’ Mess invited the Warrant Of cers’ and Serjeants’ Mess for a games evening. Trepidation set in when the visitors arrived en masse and clearly meaning business, but all fears were allayed when the metaphorical ice melted, during the  rst annual inter Mess bicycle polo match. Rightly, the Of cers crept to a narrow victory, with Maj Cave and “Team Late Entry” (better late than never) employing a mix of aggressive tactics (and a judicious use of the feet) to ensure victory.
The Mess looks forward to its next function, and with eyes  rmly  xed on Ex ASKARI STORM (Kenya) in 2018, it is set to be another busy year.
Capt Dave Pearson,
Ops Offr and Mess Sec

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