Page 48 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 48
It is fair to say that the battalion now regards Lisburn as a home rather than merely another posting. Ri emen are starting to stop just short of the airports and ferry terminal in favour of the vibrant and increasingly cosmopolitan setting that Belfast provides. Greater accompanied service, a healthy dose of Irishmen and a fair number of local girlfriends all suggest that the battalion is well settled and happy in Northern Ireland.
This ‘ rm base’ has provided a superb spring- board for a whirlwind of activities over the past twelve months. The battalion currently has two large ships moving in opposite directions; C Company is recovering from a unique and challenging ‘blue beret’ deployment in South Sudan, whilst a signif- icant portion of the battalion head across the line of departure to Iraq and Operation SHADER. Although it is still early days, the adaptability and positive approach of the ri emen is humbling in spite of the crippling Iraqi heat.
There have been very few ‘uncommitted periods’ and when routine military tasks dried up, the forecast was quickly reinforced with sport, adventurous training and defence engagement serials. The hugely popular series of counter-poaching tasks in Gabon has taken root and it is rewarding to note the progression from low level tactics towards opera- tional management. In true Ri es style, the battalion has networked ruthlessly to exploit links in India to support an ambitious Mountain Biking expedition in the foothills of the Himalayas. And latterly a small contingent under the ‘watchful’ eye of JPW received the Freedom of Ladysmith on behalf of The Ri es. It is precisely these types of ‘discretionary’ activities that have helped to insert the ‘nice to have’ back in the programme and reinforce a work hard, play hard ethos in the Second Battalion.
Lieutenant Colonel Neil Bellamy,
Commanding Of cer
Ri eman Rowley (2 RIFLES Assault Pioneers) plays Last Post as the sun goes down over Malakal Protection of Civilians Site, South Sudan
Credit: Cpl Moffatt, 34 Sqn, 39 Engr Regt