Page 47 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 47
WOs’ and Sjts’ Mess
This year has been a busy period for the WOs’ & Sjts’ Mess. The Companies have now all returned from Op SHADER, a Battalion commitment that lasted over the last 16 months. As a consequence from the Battalion’s hiatus while on tour, the WOs’ & Sjts’ Mess has looked to improve Mess life and the functions so as to regain a social atmosphere. With promotions and job roles ever changing, the Mess has continued to make good progress leaving its mark by delivering memorable social events during these past few months in Ri emen style. The Ri es Training Team (RTT) have also continued to become an integral part of the Mess and are always present when available.
Serjeant Major Lee Jones as PMC has kept busy arranging numerous functions and activities including a Bring a Boss night; inter-Mess games night and a Regimental history night.
The aim here was educating the newly promoted Of cers and Sjts on the heritage of our Regiment and the antecedent units. To help assist we invited Maj Rob Yuill and his team of re-enactors, known simply as ‘the 95th Ri es’. They were very impressed with the accuracy of our presentations and commented on how much they also enjoyed the night. CSjt Mark Kelly couldn’t control himself at the thought of going back to his live action role playing days; he was one of the rst to re the Baker ri e. Mess members also kindly give up one morning of every month to conduct Mess PT; we have never seen so many competitive SNCOs.
Our latest function witnessed both WO2 “Nes”
Nesbitt and Rfn French having their 22 year dine-out; Rfn French was dined out for his 22 Years’ service and commitment to the Regiment. Sadly the Mess must say goodbye to WO2 Nesbitt who leaves the Regiment to progress his career in the Australian army. The WOs’ & Sjts’ mess wish him and his family all the best for the future.
The Battalion has had plenty of time on the drill square rehearsing for the Freedom of Chepstow parade. The residents of Chepstow were lined in their hundreds to support, celebrate and congratulate the achievements of the Battalion. The distinguished visitor for the parade was His Royal Highness, the Duke of Kent. HRH was hosted by the Sjts’ Mess during the lunch that followed the parade. The Duke of Kent appeared to enjoy speaking to the Ri emen and he appreciated the Mess’ efforts.
WO2 Chris Morgan has now taken over as PMC and has already furnished the scruff’s bar within the Mess creating a more relaxed atmosphere for members. He continues to save money for the Mess with his devotion towards ITV Style self-help improvements and using the handyman trade of anyone in camp; he is getting ever closer to that MBE...
This year has been a tremendously successful year for the WOs’ & Sjts’ Mess in all aspects. I antic- ipate that the future holds even greater prospects allowing the Mess to continue to host others and look after its Mess members.
Sjt Dan Pickles,
A Coy 3 Pl Sjt and PEC WOs’ and Sjts’ Mess
Corporals’ Mess
This year has been a busy period for members of (previously a member of 1 RIFLES) who was
the Corporals’ Mess. The JNCOs have still found time to instruct on the PJNCO and Sp Weapons Cadres while continuing to move forward with their career courses. Corporal Alex Coupland (PMC) has managed to arrange a few functions and the Mess has also hosted the Battalion and their families for the Winter Fair, PJNCO Cadre and the Freedom of Chepstow Parade, while being the focal point for many Company Functions. A dedicated few Mess members have refurbished the Cpls’ Mess bar and given the Mess some G4 loving with some new furniture, and the intro- duction of Tea and Toast twice a week, which has been gratefully received.
The Christmas Function was held within the Cpls’ Mess which involved music, food, photo booths and a few shandys. A couple of highlights were Cpl Francis showing off his skills on the dance oor and Cpl Delahunty refusing to share the karaoke! The Valentines Ball was a chance to don our Mess Dress and Ball gowns and enjoy a sit down meal and a few wines before the evening’s musical entertainment held at Chepstow Racecourse. We were fortunate enough to have been joined by Cpl Tyrone Hoole from 3 RIFLES
instructing on the 1 RIFLES PJNCO Cadre. He graciously received a presentation from our Mess in Memory of his and our fallen brother Cpl Josh Hoole (1 RIFLES).
We have welcomed 37 new LCpls into the Mess along with a few JNCOs from 4 RIFLES. We will shortly be saying farewell to Cpl Dean Paget who will be leaving us after 22 years’ service. Cpl Wayne Delahunty (part of team Del & Mel) will be taking over as PMC and is looking to further improve the Mess and the cohesion between its members with a Regimental Dinner Night, Christmas and some inter Company Mess Sports competitions.
Cpl Alex Coupland, Signals Platoon CQMS 2ic and PMC Cpls’ Mess