Page 4 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 4

Commandant’s Foreword ...............................3 Major General D F Capps CBE ......................5 ‘Everyone has their Everest’............................6 The Great Game, Dust, and Unlimited Liability 7 First impressions of Sandhurst........................8 Exercise LONG REACH..................................9 Exercise ALLENBY’s ADVANCE....................10 Blenheim Company Dinner Night..................11 Blenheim Company Potted Sports................12 Commissioning Course 201
– Debate Night.........................................13
Debate Night ................................................14
RMAS from an International Cadet
perspective ..............................................15
The Log Race...............................................18
Exercise NORMANDY SCHOLAR.................20
Some Thoughts on Rehearsals
for the Sovereign’s Parade .......................21
The Regimental Selection Board process
– an Officer Cadet perspective .................22
Exercise SLIM’S STAND ...............................23 Exercise SLIM’S STAND ...............................25 Exercise TEMPLER’S TRIUMPH ...................26 Exercise TEMPLER’S TRIUMPH ..................27 DV20 vs CV19..............................................28 Exercise DYNAMIC VICTORY .......................33 Reflections from a member
of the training staff ...................................38
A Colour Sergeant’s Perspective...................39
Gaza Company Dinner Night ........................40
Waterloo Company Charity
Dinner Night, CC201................................41
Senior Term Perspective from an OCdt.........42 Exercise WELSH EXILE ................................43 Lucknow Visits Portsmouth ..........................45 Summer Barbeque .......................................46 Lucknow Dinner Night ..................................46 Lucknow Platoon .........................................47 A Margaret Jones for the 21st Century .........50 International Cadets 2020.............................51 Impressions of Sandhurst .............................55 Great Britain Bobsleigh Team
– Europa Cup ..........................................56
Teaching in times of COVID-19: Developing and implementing an eLearning strategy for Officer Cadets – the case of DIA .............57
A Sandhurst Library Revolution! Extending resources, and supporting academe in
2019 and across the challenges of the
2020 pandemic .......................................64
Leadership Development Course 203
Mid Course ..............................................69
Leadership Development Course 203
End of Term .............................................70
Exercise FROSTED BLADE...........................72
Some random memories of Gaza Coy,
Intake 35..................................................74
Purchase a Commission! (For sale: Colonelcy in the Dragoon Guards for £1M) ..................77
Famous Friday..............................................90 Covid and the Collection...............................96
The Sandhurst Trust...Mark Time!.................97
     The images included in this edition are taken from across the last 12 months,
where Covid Force Health Protection measures have led to some changes in the way training has been conducted. To allow training to continue with minimal disruption, platoon level households have been formed. Within the household social distancing measures were permitted to be reduced to maintain training outputs.

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