Page 6 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
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Colour Sergeant give the instructor perspective and highlight the amazing contributions of all our Directing Staff.
were originally purchased, and academic pieces on how the Leadership Security & Warfare fac- ulty and the Library have innovatively continued
In the historical section there are
also six more ‘famous Fridays’
reflecting the vast diversity and achievements of our alumni;
Prince Christian Victor – the first
Royal to be educated at school
and died of disease during the
Boer War. Dan Minchin – disap-
peared without trace attempt-
ing the first Atlantic flight East to
West. Tony Rolt – designed the
Colditz Glider and later won the
Le Mans 24-hour race. Desmond
Llewellyn – ‘Q’ in many of the Bond Films. Digby Willoughby – President of the Cresta Run. Cour- age Quashigah – Health Minister in Ghana.
There are fascinating historical items including one on the system through which commissions
to operate despite COVID. The article from an alumnus with memories from Sandhurst in the 1960s is illuminating in many respects, but especially from a Health and Safety perspective; and while every generation believes they had it ‘harder’ than the next, in this respect they have a point!
Finally, The Sandhurst Trust dis- bursed £55,000 during 2020. With the team furloughed and income minimal, the charity has still provided over 500 welfare and leadership
grants including supporting over 100 Interna- tional Cadets ‘marooned’ at Sandhurst during the three long leave periods.
I very much hope that you enjoy this Wish Stream!
In the historical section there are also six more ‘famous Fridays’ reflecting the
vast diversity and achievements of our alumni