Page 5 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
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Commandant’s Foreword
Major General D F Capps CBE
Iam delighted to welcome you to this year’s Wish Stream, the first of my tenure. I passed through the Academy as an Officer Cadet
in 1986 and was a Platoon Commander from 1994-96, so it is a privilege to return to this amazing institution as Commandant.
Despite its long history, this has been a period like no other for Sandhurst, and I pay tribute to all of the Academy staff, their families and the Officer Cadets for their fortitude, patience, and for the quiet determination and leadership that has enabled training to continue. Whilst COVID restrictions have prevented much external activ- ity and many of the ‘Sandhurst-isms’ including the full Sovereign’s parades that make it so spe- cial, it has nevertheless been an incredible year.
Sandhurst is ‘full’, with UK recruiting buoyant and the highest number of International Officer Cadets in the Academy’s history (107 from 42 different countries). Continuing a long tradition of International defence engagement, our friends and allies bring their experiences, perspectives and diversity to both the Regular and ‘Short’ Commissioning Courses. On that
  theme, Maj (Ret’d) Roy Hunter MBE (who fulfils the role performed so remarkably for over 60 years by Margaret Jones) describes the wider support provided to those International Cadets.
I pay tribute to all of the Academy staff, their families and the Officer Cadets for their fortitude, patience, and for the quiet determination and leadership
As will the article ‘Everyone has their Everest’ and a personal reflection on the Regimental Selection Boards process.
We have first impressions from a Ukrainian Cadet highlighting dif- ferences in Academies around the world and the very ‘special’ com- bination of weather provided in the UK. Another article highlights the importance of the pre-Sandhurst course for our International Cadets and pays tribute to those UK Cadets
The Exercise names may have
changed but the experiences
and challenges of today’s Officer
Cadets on exercises: TEM-
VICTORY from Seniors, ALLEN-
SCHOLAR and SLIM’s STAND from Inters and LONG REACH from Juniors, will resonate with all alumni, whenever they were at Sandhurst.
who participated in Ramadan, fasting in solidar- ity with Muslim Cadets. Articles from our US and Lebanese exchange officers and a British
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This journal is published on behalf of the The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and the Sandhurst Trust by Crest Publications, 12 Brooklands Court, Kettering Venture Park, Kettering, Northants NN15 6FD
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