Page 7 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 7
Major General D F Capps CBE
Commandant, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Major General Duncan Capps joined the Royal Corps of Transport (later The Royal Logistic Corps, RLC) in
1985, initially serving in the UK and Ger- many on operations in Cyprus, Northern Ireland and Bosnia, and as Platoon Com- mander at RMA Sandhurst.
Post Staff College jobs included: Defence Logistic Organisation, command of NATO’s Mobile Force (Europe) Sup- ply Squadron, BRITFOR Chief of Staff in Afghanistan in 2002 and an exchange tour in Australia where he led logistic plan- ning for the 2004 Tsunami disaster relief. Also, the East Timor drawdown and the Melbourne Commonwealth Games. He returned to the UK as a Lieutenant Colonel and established the PJHQ Joint Mounting Cell.
He took command of 7 Transport Regi- ment & Bielefeld Station in 2006, per- formed Public Duties in London, supported operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and deployed to Cyprus with the UN. He was subsequently DCOS 1st (UK) Armoured Division then commanded 104 Logistic Support Brigade. He led Op ESCALIN (UK fuel resilience), supported the London Olympics and deployed to Afghanistan in December 2012 as Commander Joint Force Support for which he was awarded an operational CBE.
Posted to PJHQ on return from Afghani- stan, he was responsible for completing UK redeployment and supported operations to counter extremism in the Middle East, and Ebola in West Africa. After attend- ing the Royal College of Defence Stud- ies, he was Head Defence Supply Chain Operations and Movements (DSCOM) in Defence Equipment & Support.
From June 2017, as GOC Regional Com- mand, he provided local authority firm base support to the Army in the UK, Nepal and Brunei, established in year delegated infrastructure delivery, led civil engage- ment, the Army’s Cadet Forces, and sup- ported national resilience.
He became Commandant RMA Sandhurst and Director Leadership (Army) in March 2020.
Married to Robyn, they have two daugh- ters. A member of the GB marathon kayak racing team from 1993-2002 he is part of the doubles crew that holds the 125-mile Devizes to Westminster Challenge record set in 2000. He still competes in national and Services kayak racing events, is Presi- dent of Army and RLC Canoeing and an RLC Colonel Commandant.